"Mum. Please. It is only $200! I can pay for it myself with my modeling money." He puppy dog eyed me and I had to look away.

"Are you sure you want that one? Is it worth $200 of your own money?" I put on the sunglasses and look back at him.

"It is it is! I want it!" I give in and have him go buy it.

"That kid has you wrapped around your finger." Pansy tells me

"And your kids don't?" She laughs and walks with me to the checkout line.

"It is 11:50, when do we have to be at the pool?" I grow pale not realising we have been in this store for almost 2 full hours.

"Noon," We hurry up and then apparate out of there. We arrive back in my penthouse and go to the elevator while Scorp puts his watch away.

"Everyone here?" I count heads and then hit the button for the ground floor. When we exit the elevator I sigh and know that there is now way out of this.

"Hey...our family isn't that bad if you imagine that they are...wait...no they are still horrible." I shake my head knowing she is right. We open the door and I am blinded by by cousins. I see way too much skin and way too little clothes. I cover my children's eyes again and tell Pansy and Harry to do the same for their kids.

Once again they shook our hands off and almost puked.

"Um, could you please cover up a bit more. There are innocentish children here." What I'm not going to lie! I have met James...he is not innocent!

"We are tanning!" Sabrina yelled and the other two girls in her possy just stayed still. I rolled my eyes and took off my jeans and shirt revealing my swimsuit.

"Okay kids! Sunscreen and then pool." Everyone including Hailey protested, but I got my way. After 15 minutes of waiting, they were able to jump in the pool. I watched as they were all splashing and diving.

"Eew. Hermione. Did you get plastic surgery? It looks awful!" I turn to face Maddie and come up with a quick remark.

"Are you looking in the mirror? Because the only plastic surgery here is the one you used on your nose and boobs." She screamed with fury and stood up.

"HOW DARE YOU?!?!" I had a little eye staring contest with her until she raised her arm. I was ready for a slap but a certain blond came to my rescue.

I moved out of the way and hugged my littlest cousin Michael. He let go of Maddie's hand and I grabbed his arm to pulled him away, but he stayed there to my displeasure. Plus, by this time, my whole family was watching.

"Maddison Granger! How dare you even think about slapping our dear cousin? Let alone act on it! You are a terrible person and I hope you rot in hell! Just because Hermione is smarter than you, nicer than you, prettier than you, and has away better family than you, doesn't mean that you have the right to be mean to her!" He then turned to the rest of our family.

"None of you have the right! You all suck! Stop being upset because there is someone in this family who actually turned out right!" My cousins and awful part of the family gave us a death look, while people who don't actually hate me stared down everyone else. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see my lovely husband behind me and Michael.

"You know, I have always liked you Michale." Draco told him making the kid smile and blush.  I kissed him on the lips and everyone gawked. Even Michael who attended our wedding with his sister.

"HOW DARE YOU KISS DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY! HE IS MINE!" PeneIope screams at me, but I just pull him in for another kiss and squeeze his butt grossing out the kids.

Hermione's Family Reunion (Dramione)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें