Part 1

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your in your room
Lola*yes mom
You walk out and go to here
Mom*clean these dishes up
Lola*yes mama
So you clean up the dishes Leah comes in
Leah*mom guess what
Mom*what sweetheart
Leah*im in the play
Mom*that great Lola why don't you get into stuff like your sister
Lol*mom I've done told you I don't like to get up infront of a lot of people
Mom*are you sassing me
Lola*no ma'am
Mom*now go to your room
You walk into your room and lay on bed tears running down your face you see Logan post a video
(The only thing that will cheer you up is Logan)
So you watch it after your watch it
Lola*i need to get out of this hell house I know
You pack some clothes and some more of your stuff and climb out your window you walk and walk and walk until you reach the airport you pay for a ticket and get on a plane to LA
(You lived in Chicago)
A few hours later you arrive at LA you get off and go in to get your things you get them and sit down your phone rings it's your mom you ignore it
Logan*uh is that seat taken
Lola*uh no
Logan*is it okay if I sit here
Lola*yea yea
He sits down he smiles you look down
Logan*so what's your name
Logan*im Logan
Lola*logan Paul!!
Lola*oh my god I watch your YouTube videos I love them
Logan*thank you so what are you doing here in LA because to me you look about 16-17
Lola*oh I ran away from home
Logan*why??if you don't mind me asking
Lola*uh my parents didn't like me they put me down all the time,call me names,tell me I'm nothing,
Logan*oh I'm sorry
He puts his hands on yours you smile
(That's the first time you smiled in ages)
Lola*its okay I'm just glad I ran away I couldn't do it anymore
Logan*do you have a place to stay??
Lola*a motel or something
Logan*stay at mine
Lola*i couldn't do that
Logan*i want you too you have had a hard life I just feel like I need to do something
You smile
Lola*what are you doing here??
Logan*i gotta pick up my friend mike
A few mins later mike arrives
Logan*this is mike
Lola*nice to meet you mike I'm Lola
Mike*how do you know her Logan
Logan*can I tell him?
Logan tells him everything
Mike*man I'm so sorry anything I can do for you?
Logan*shes gonna stay at my place
Mike*good then
You smile they smile
Logan*well come on you too
Y'all head out to his yeti
Lola*wow your yeti is bigger in person
Logan smiles
Logan*yea I know
Y'all get in
Logan*now Lola we are crazing around here just letting you know
Lola*i know
You laugh Logan does too y'all arrive at the maverick house you get out
Lola*wow this is more amazing in person
Logan laughs a little
Logan*come on I'll show you your room
Y'all walk in you speechless kong comes up
Lola*can I pick him up?
Logan*yea go ahead
You pick him up and pet him you walk upstairs with Logan
Logan*heres your room
He opens the door
Lola*i love it
You hug Logan at first logan didn't but he put his arms around and hug back you pull away
Lola*thank you so much logan
Logan*i wouldn't know what to do with myself if I just left you by yourself
You smile
You walk in and put your bag down and sit on the bed logan sits too
Lola*i just hate it that my family treated me like they did I tried to be the perfect child but they couldn't see
Logan*hey it's ok we are gonna be your family now and you don't have to try to be perfect here yes you will make mistakes everyone does but your parents shouldn't have treated you that way they should have loved you no matter what
A tear rolls down your face Logan pulls you in for a hug a few mins later
Lola*i think I'm okay now
Logan*okay good now I gotta do a video you wanna be in it
Lola*of course
Logan laughs
Logan*come on them

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