Ch.5 Icebreaker

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Once she parked her black sleek car in front of the building labeled 'Calvert Towers', the woman stepped out of her car dressed in her professional office outfit with her dark hair up in a tight bun as she made her way to the front entrance with her black heels clicking against the concrete. And inside the building on the top floor, sitting at the front desk, a young attractive man dressed in his work suit watched on the monitor screen as the women made her way up.

"She's coming up!" he announced in his British accent as all the workers got into their positions "Come on people look alive!"

He stepped out from behind the counter while examining everyone with a cup of coffee in his hands.

"You, clean that up!" he pointed "You, take off that ridiculous tie! Everyone look busy! And remember, no eye contact!"

He made his way to the elevator where he waited until the door slid opened to reveal the women with the stern look on her face.

"Good morning" he greeted with a fake smile.

"Is it?" she replied with doubt while handing him her purse as they began towards her office "So tell me, how is it that I have 3 assistants and none of them know where my god-granddaughter is? Why wasn't she at the house?"

"I don't know, I've been trying to get a hold of Aaron all day."

She stopped as she turned to him.

"Well stop trying" she ordered sternly in her British accent, "Start succeeding, or must I do everything myself?"

(Flashback) With the ball going on downstairs, up in one of the rooms, a British woman with her long dark hair with some gray strands styled to match her ballgown stood to wait until 2 guards came in holding onto a wooden carved staff with the design of a dragon's head at the top.

"Is that it?" she asked interestedly.

"Indeed, Your Majesty" one of them answered as they handed her the staff.

She took the staff and admired the details, especially the dragon's head with emerald gems for the eyes.

"Excellent work" she grinned, not taking her eyes off the object.

"Is that what I think it is?" she turned around to see a young man dressed in his ball suit with his eyes on the staff as he walked over towards it "Is that-?"

"Merlin's staff?" she cut in "Yes, yes it is."

"You actually got it?" he gasped as he reached his hands towards the object "Can I-?"

"Patients my boy" she pulled the staff away "Because you can use this, I need to show you what it means to have true power."

"I already know what it means to have true power mother" he frowned, "Besides, this is my staff now, so I can do anything I want with it."

"Of course you can, but until you get this, I need to see what kind of man you are, show me that you are capable of owning this source of magic."

Before he could say anything, another guard suddenly entered.

"Your Majesty" he spoke, "More guests have arrived."

She nodded before turning to her son, "We'll deal with this later."

Thanks to Dean's suggestion, Aaron was able to find his daughter at a well that was in a construction site where he got out of his car and jogged to her.

"Hey!" he called out "Shannon!"

"Oh, hey dad" she replied with a smile.

"You've got some explaining to do" he declared, "What were you thinking sneaking out of your room? You've already got me in enough trouble with Paula today."

"Sorry," she apologized with guilt "I just had to come here to see the garden."

"What garden? This place isn't a garden."

"It used to be a garden, but that's about to change. See this?" she showed him the quarter she was holding "I found this on the well, it's a sign, a sign that can change everything."

He smirked, "I don't believe in signs."

"Well start believing" she smirked back as she turned to the well, made a wish, and dropped the coin down the well.

At that moment, Aaron turned around to the scene.

"I don't see any flowers" he announced.

"Just give it time" she grinned.

"Alright," he chuckled, "Now, what have you been up to?"

Shannon took a deep breath before facing her father.

"I found my mom," she told him.

And by the look on his face, he seemed more interested than before.


Back at 'Gabi's', Brooke had just finished her drink when she noticed the drawing Gabi was working on in her sketchbook. It was a drawing of a raven bird, and by the looks of it, Gabi was indeed a very good artist.

"That's a nice drawing" she commented.

"Oh, thanks" Gabi replied with a smile.

"So you like drawing huh?"

"Yep, it's been an interest of mine since I was young."

"Have you ever thought about turning it into a career? Cause I can tell you're very talented."

"I've thought of it" she sighed with a small smile.


"I got married and we had my son" she finished, still smiling "But don't get me wrong, I draw whenever I can, but now I've got a real job, it may not be much but at least it's a real job."

But before Brooke could say anything, the door suddenly opened as Aaron entering carrying Brooke's laptop.

"Hey Aaron" Gabi greeted, "So Jim called me today and told me that you quit your job."

"Yeah," he sighed, "I've had enough of my manager."

As he got closer, Brooke got a better look of his face, and seeing how handsome he was, she couldn't take her eyes off him.

"Anyway-" he began when he spotted Brooke, and at that moment, he froze.

With both staring at each other with interest, neither of them said a word until Gabi spoke up.

"Hello?" she called out.

"Oh," he snapped out of his thoughts, "Um uh, you must be Brooke."

He handed her the laptop, "I don't know what's gotten into my daughter, first she sneaks out of her room and now she's stealing laptops."

But Brooke was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't take her eyes off his face.

"What?" he questioned.

"Oh," she suddenly replied while taking her laptop "Sorry, it's just, if I really did have a daughter, I surely would have remembered you."

He gave a small chuckle, "And I surely would have remembered you."

She felt a bashful smile spread across her face when Gabi suddenly placed two shot glasses in front of them.

"Looks like you two could use an icebreaker" she smirked.

They both chuckled while picking up the glasses.

"I'm Aaron by the way" he introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you Aaron" Brooke smiled.

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