After 3 Years Bailed Out

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Adams POV

'Dear Adam,

We will be seeing each other very soon boy. I cant tell you how excited I am to be seeing you. I'm sorry I never came to visit you but there's no need for that any more. You wanna know why? Because I finally worked up the money to get you out of that place. Yeah its happening. I've missed my boy so much. Can't wait to see you. I have some people you need to meet. Write me back.



I couldn't stop reading the letter. I was so excited. I knew he could do it! He's been like a father to me since my dad died so I had no doubt In his word. It might have been three years later but he still had the money to bail me out of prison and I was thankful about that. I had so much to repay him for.

I sat up from my bunk and grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil and began to write.

When I was finished I gave it to the police officer who takes our mail and laid back down on my bed.

Marks POV

I walked out my front door and went to my mail box. I got out all my mail and started going through it. Only one letter really caught my eye. It was from the State of Minnesota Prison Facility. As I ran into my house I started ripping into the letter throwing the other mail on the kitchen table.

"Nikki! Jesse! Letter from Adam!" I yelled through the house. A few more minutes later I heard footsteps running down the hallways.

Nikki and Jesse came running into the kitchen.

"Well read it!" Nikkis mom said to me. She isn't a big fan of him but she understands that he's like my son and that I'm getting him out and he's gonna be staying with us.

Last summer me and Jesse got together and we ended up together together. So her and Nikki moved in.

"Alright. Let's see what this boys up to" I said pulling the letter out of the envelop.

"This is what it says:

'Dear Mark,

I'm extremely excited to see you. I never doubted you. I just have one thing to say and I know your gonna be a bit upset but I've had time to think about it. I don't think I'm gonna go back into the Cage Fighting business. I know how much it meant to your career but I need you to understand that and I hope it doesn't change your mind about bailing me out. I just can't do it again after the accident. I know that if I do it again I'll just black out like I do every time and this will all be replayed and I can't let that happen again. I'm terribly sorry. I miss you a lot and can't wait to see you. When do you think your bailing me out. o recommend you come visit me before so we can work out the details and stuff. Love you lots dad.



"Wow" Jesse says.

"Yeah. Speechless" I say back still looking at the letter.

"He has the nerves to say that shit?!" Nikki's outburst kinda took me by surprise. "He has the nerves to talk about the accident! That Dick!"

"Nikki. Baby girl listen to yourself." Jesse begins wrapping her arms around her daughter "He was probably expecting only Mark to read that. He doesn't even know about us being here hun. You have to understand baby girl he went through so much when that accident happend. He had no idea what he was doing. Like he said he blacks out a lot when he's in th cage" She says slowly.

I can tell that that's my que to leave so I walk out the kitchen and into the living room and start to read the letter again.

Adams POV

One week later

"So when am I being bailed?" I ask after giving Mark a big hug. And yes I did shred a few tears and so did he.

"In a three days we will be walking into that court room and we will be signing the release papers and you should be out after that. I'm not entirely sure how that works but that's all that I remember that the guy said" he replied taking a seat across from me on the small table.

"Alright. I'm so happy your here"

"Yeah. Me too" he says with a small smile. "So tell me. How is life behind bars?" he chuckles.

"Oh its a blast!" I said sarcastically then laughed along with him. We talked for about twenty minutes.

"Well I better get goin I have some people I got to have a meeting with in two hours and it takes awhile to get back home" he stands up and I do the same.

"Okay. Well it was great seeing you." I gave him another big hug.

"You'll be seeing me in three days boy. I love you son" I smile even though he can't see it because were still hugging. He pulls away and smiles at me.

"I love you too" he turns around and walks back to the police man who leads him out the door.

Another police man leads me back to my cell and I lay on my bed.

"Heard your being bailed out" My cell mate Thero said from the top bunk.

"Yeah. I'm really excited" I say quietly.

Me and Thero have become really close (and no not that kind of close. Just friends). He's been like my best friend since I got roomed with him.

"I bet. I have nobody out there to bail me and I'm in here for 10 more years" he says

Thero got put in prison for murder just like me but for different purposes. I murdered someone on accident he didn't. He killed his sister ex boyfriend because he rapes her. He went to his house in the middle of the night and stabbed him to death. I guess the whole living room was covered in blood. This guy was a maniac...

"Yeah sorry man. I'll see you tomorrow. Night"

"Night Adam" he says back. Then I quickly fall asleep.

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