Chapter 1 - January The First

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Jackson walked to school, sometimes stared at the sky as he walked to school breathing in the cool, fresh morning air. Seeing the dark blue sky littered with clouds that look liked popped popcorn.

Jackson walked through the back gate of the school where the security guard greeted him as he nodded at him.

Making his way to the school hall, he walked past the science laboratories and climbed up 2 flight of stairs going past the canteen and into the school hall where the school had its morning assembly.

"Alright settle down class." the teacher who just walked into the classroom said. Jackson looked around to see if any of his middle school friends were in his class, he did not know if there were any since morning assembly was in class just for the first day.

Jackson sighed and looked down.
"Everyone pick a seat and that will be your seat for the first semester." the teacher said.

The class shuffled around trying to find a seat that they liked or a seat next to someone they knew or started talking to.

Jackson was still in thought about this environment when the class finished and the only seat left was in the middle, so he sat there.

Since he did not know anyone, he turned his head to see who was around him.

In front of him a boy with straight hair. Next, the girl on his right had short hair that puffed outwards at the side, then on his left was a girl with somewhat long to short hair neatly tied up in a ponytail. Then behind him was a girl with a bobcut which curled inwards at the ends.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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