And I left her to cry.

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I didn't even know if I should show up to work today. I'd text Mike numerous times asking that exact question and got no reply

I decide too in the end I swore to make everything right today if it killed me!

I get out of bed with a positive mindset and get dressed before running a brush through my hair and placing my necklace back in its resting place

I swear I've worn that since I received means so much to me...Cam brought it me for my 18th birthday and I haven't taken it off since

Speaking of Cam I go to see if she's still here and she isn't so I grab my jacket and sling it on before grabbing my bag and a piece of toast and heading out the door.

I swear this journey gets longer every time I take it but it's nice to sit on the bus and daydream. I spent half my time daydreaming, making up stories in my head.

I get to my stop and get off thanking the driver, shortly arriving at ElmTree.

I stand outside the gate for a while before heading inside looking up for Mike but he wasn't there...

It had become almost a tradition...I'd wait outside a little and he'd wave before seeing me in

I see myself in and head inside, going through to the kitchen, all the kids smile and say hi and I smile back i didn't have time to chat.

I needed to see Mike...

I head into the office taking my jacket and bag off he's in the corner flicking through paperwork

'Morning' I say smiling

'Good morning Tracy' he says but he doesn't look up from his paperwork...and the happy tone to his voice has completely disappeared

I go over to him but he walks out the office and up the hall.

I follow him, determined not to let things stay this way

' know you always say to us it's okay to make mistakes?' I say

'Yes I helps a lot in life, mistakes are what help us get better at things and give us more experience' he says

'Even if they're really big ones?' I say

'Well it depends how big...but I do believe everyone is allowed to make mistakes, yes'

'What about giving people second chances due to those mistakes?' I ask him, trying to stop the grin that would soon spread from ear to ear

'GIVE IT BACK JOHNNY TAYLOR!!' We hear Elektra shouting and run to the scene

This makes me both sad and angry because I was getting places with Mike! I knew it! So did he.

I pull Elektra off Johnny and Mike pulls Johnny up off the floor both of us holding the two away from each other

Mike couldn't even look me in the eye...

'Back off Johnny!!' I say, pointing at him to show I was angry. Mike gives me an angry look, probably for interfering with Johnny when I was supposed to be dealing with Elektra, I don't look back as Elektra pushes out of my grasp before heading into the living room

I stare after Mike, my eyes filling with tears before following Elektra into the living room

'You okay?' I ask her tentatively I sit down and she doesn't respond just gives me a look as if to say what do you think

I couldn't exactly blame her...after all this was all my fault

Tee and Carmen walk in, cutting off the awkward silence that had descended

'What happened? Did your parents cut you out the wedding?' Carmen says

'Look they do that...change their minds, it doesn't mean that you've done anything wrong' she adds

I smile a little...Carmen is so kind, but I know Elektra won't appreciate this

'Probably wouldn't have been that fun being a bridesmaid anyway' Tee says

'Yeah I mean with all the speeches and singing and dancing and food...'

I cut her off...I knew Carmen well enough to know that she had good intentions with what she was saying, but in all honesty the timing was awful and I didn't fancy witnessing another fight

I was already battling with myself over what had happened with mike

'Carmen...that's enough' I say placing my hand on her shoulder and giving her a weak smile

'I'm just saying I understand and you don't have to pretend that your not bothered by it' Carmen says

'I'm not bothered' Elektra says

I want to say yes you are...but I hold my tongue

'Weddings are fake and pointless and they're just an excuse to have kids' she nods towards me 'that your probably gonna hate anyway'

And then everything got too much.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I rest my head on my palm to stop Tee and Carmen from seeing me doesn't work

I already knew I was wrong for what I did...but she didn't need to go and drag up my past

Then again why shouldn't she? I dragged up hers.

I needed to cry and thankfully Sapphire walks away leaving only Tee and Carmen, who could tell something was up

'Tracy?' asked Carmen. 'Are you alright?'

I give a nod despite the fact more tears were due to fall

Carmen gives my shoulder a little pat before giving Tee a look, she nods and they leave the room together

I raise my knees up and put my head in my hands as I feel myself slowly start to sink

I can't help but cry, I just have to hope that nobody can hear me

I feel like somebody's behind me so I turn round to see nobody but manage to catch the corner of a white shirt as the person walks away

It was Mike...

He just let me cry... I really was being punished

I go out into the hallway and sure enough see him go down the hall I wipe my eyes and get back to doing my job

But all I could think about was Mike

And how much I had upset him

I could never take back those words...I could try but I highly doubt Mike will ever forgive me for this


Tracy was out of order. But I absolutely hate fighting with her

I hear little snivels and sobs coming from the living room and quietly go to see who it is

I look round to see Tracy sat with her head in her hands in a little ball on the sofa, crying her heart out

I want nothing more than to give her a hug and tell her that I do forgive her and it'll all be okay...

It was practically killing me to see her hurting

But I was still hurting after what she'd said

So I leave her alone and that was the hardest thing I had to do

To me, she's one of my own

And I left her to cry.

I feel so guilty... and she clearly does too

I don't blame her for being upset...I really don't

But what she said cut me so deep inside... I hate to say it but I don't think I can forgive her.

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