Chapter 2

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Spyro flew as fast as his wings could carry him. 

"Come on, I can't be late" Spyro flew down into the Colosseum where the games would be taking place. 

"Whew, made it" Spyro landed on a seat in the bleachers, and sat down. 

"Hey Spyro!" A familiar voice called out to him, as Cynder made her way over to him. 

"Oh, uh, h-hey Cynder" Spyro stuttered. 

"Maybe I might have a somewhat crush on her, no big deal, right?" 

"Hiya, Spyro, long time, no see, whatcha been up to?" Cynder asked. 

"Oh, uh, you know, nothing too major" Spyro was managing to pull himself back together as Eon landed with his podium in the colosseum. 

"Hello, citizens of Skylands, it is my pleasure, and contractual obligation, To welcome you!" The crowd went wild as the Skylander cadets that were going to graduate stepped out for the games: Trigger Happy, Flashwing, Slam Bam, and Food Fight. 

"Who do you think is gonna pass?!" Spyro asked Cynder. 

"I bet Trigger Happy and Flashwing, how about you?" Cynder asked. 

"I got my hopes on Food Fight and Slam Bam" Spyro responded. 

"Wanna actually bet?" Spyro asked Cynder. 

"If Food Fight and Slam Bam pass, you give me $10, if Trigger Happy and Flashwing pass, then I give you $10, and if one from each pass, we trade $5, how about it?" Spyro asked. 

"Oh, it's on Spyro" Cynder threanted in a joking-friendly manner.

 "Now, Citizens of Skylands" Eon started speaking again "LET THE GAMES BEGIN".

Spyro x Cynder-a tale of two dragonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora