we are (not) princes

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⠀⠀⠀Mikaela did not move an inch, for he was too afraid in doing so. He could not read his noble; at least, not now. He did not know whether he should reach out and comfort the man, or whether he should leave him be. The latter was the superior option, yet the slave could not let the raven weep and carry his feelings alone.

⠀⠀⠀Yuichiro squeezed his eyes shut tightly, giving another sniff before continuing, "When you kissed me," he began, "I couldn't help but feel something different within me... a different that felt so right, so purposeful. I knew it was wrong the moment I felt that way, and so I pushed you away because of it. I know I am attracted to you— you have done more for me than you'll ever know.

⠀⠀⠀"I apologize. This whole thing must disgust you, and you have all right to be. After all, men are meant for women; just as nobles and slaves were never meant to cross worlds," Yuichiro concludes shakily. "I apologize, again. Please, leave me be."

⠀⠀⠀Mikaela did not follow the order, and it left the raven-haired noble feeling weaker than ever. He could feel that familiar sensation of humiliation and disgust within himself— how much of a disgrace he was to his father and to his people, how he would never truly live a happy life knowing he would soon be permitted to engage with a princess from another country. To know his father didn't trust him enough to lead his men to battle caused his chest to ignite with pain as if it had been set on fire.

⠀⠀⠀It wasn't until Yuichiro felt Mikaela begin to move from behind him did he turn around within the stool he was settled on, only to now be facing his beloved slave. The raven felt his tears begin to regenerate at the sight of the man he fell for— the man he so foolishly fell for.

⠀⠀⠀"Sir Yuichiro," the noble heard the blond say.

⠀⠀⠀"If you didn't hear me, I ordered you to leave. I already apologized for my long, ignorant speech expressing my love for you. Now, I need time alone to myself."

⠀⠀⠀"Sir Yuichiro—"

⠀⠀⠀"Please, leave. I promise you I will never bring this up to you again. We will return to the mere noble and his slave relationship we had before."


⠀⠀⠀"Goddamn it, just get out of my—"

⠀⠀⠀Before Yuichiro could complete his sentence, he felt a pair of rough lips pressed against his own chapped ones. It was chaste in the beginning, all Yuichiro could get out of the whole thing was that musky, alluring smell Mikaela had along with the sense of calmness that crashed over him like a violent wave during a storm— brutal and all within one moment, but once beneath the deep, dark waters, a cool and drowning silence that engulfed his entires being.

⠀⠀⠀ Mikaela pulled away from the chaste kiss, his eyes calm and carefully examining the noble. Despite what Yuichiro had said during their time at the sacred stream, it appeared that it wasn't what said male believed in. It was illustrated in the way his iridescent, warm jade gaze landed upon him, a look of trust and admiration evident in his pupils. Yet there was still the shock— the never ending terror of it all— about how this feeling of attraction for one another was forbidden according to law.

⠀⠀⠀ As Yuichiro had said before: love between two men is forbidden— just as forbidden as love between a slave and a noble.

⠀⠀⠀ Mikaela could see the way Yuichiro sat in thought upon the stool, body and knees beginning to tremble and fidget rapidly. He could envision the pure fear he felt about everything; his feelings, his desires, the kiss itself all terrified him, and not because he didn't accept himself, but because he didn't know if he could control it or not.

We Are Lovers ཉ MikaYuuUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum