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Eileen Collins *three years before*

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Eileen Collins *three years before*

I was a good student, the perfect one in all my teacher's eyes. Other students hated me for it. Except for my friends of course, and I had many of them.

I mean sure they'd tease me saying "you're so smart I hate you" "you have all the teachers wrapped around your finger" and it was true.

I was kind to everyone and got spectacular grades. I wasn't a know it all and the subject never came easy to me I just studied hard and stayed after school.

Mrs.reily our principal said she is low on substitutes and if it wasn't a big deal could I stay after school for the detention crew. She said I was looking a little low on my community service hours and I took it right away.

When after school rolled around I sat at the teachers desk. I was nervous people were going to hate me even more or worse not listen to me.

It was three o'clock and no one was in here. Maybe I was in the wrong classroom? Maybe I missed my shift! Maybe it was two and not three.

That's when at least three people came in, Grant year ten 5'4, brown hair and green eyes. Mia 5'6 black hair and blue eyes she was goth and wore all black. Kasey my best friend she's got red hair and brown eyes.
"I see mister Stevens finally gave you detention?" I ask and she rolls her eyes "He does it because he loves me" she says and I laugh.

When three thirty turns around grant is on his phone which I told him multiple times he wasn't allowed to do. Mia is knocked out with drool on the desk and Kasey is filing her nails.

"cant you let us go early? I have a nail appointment at 4:15. I'm in desperate need" Kasey says showing me two broken fake nails and all ten have chipped paint.

"no can do, I love you though" I tell her and she rolls her eyes. "Can I join in this one on one girl love" I hear a voice and when I look up Luke Hemmings is standing in front of my desk.

The only guy ranked higher than me is this man and he does nothing all class period. It doesn't help that he's got sports under his belt. Though this detention is really going to mess with him.

He was the coolest guy in school and hottest. That's why I don't want to like him but God he is beautiful.

"Thats disgusting and you're late" I tell him and he shrugs sitting on top of the desk. "what are you going to do? Punish me?" he winks and I can literally feel the color from my face drop.

"u-uh no that's highly inappropriate " I tell him and he chuckles while he takes a seat next to Kasey. Which makes my blood boil because Kasey is the most gorgeous girl you will ever meet. She's perfect.

Don't get me wrong, I love Kasey but she can be such a flirt and she can do it way better than anyone else

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Don't get me wrong, I love Kasey but she can be such a flirt and she can do it way better than anyone else.

She has a reputation of stealing girls men not that Luke is mine but she knows I like him. Hell everyone does.

When my alarm rang everyone got up, even Luke tried to weasel his way through. "Luke sit down. You get an hour just like the rest" I tell him pointing to the chair.

"I know I just had to use the restroom" he says and tries walking out so I stood up. "Yeah yeah and I have a date after this sit your ass down" I snap and he's baffled so am I.

"Damn Collins, you're hot when you're angry" this made my cheeks flush. "Just a complement makes you blush, I wonder what else I can make you blush from" He says walking towards me. This is not happening. Wake up Eileen you're late for school! You're alarm is about to go off once he's about to kiss you.

He's close to me, so close I can feel the warmth radiating off his body. He looks like he's turning his head so I close my eyes. All of a sudden he lets out a loud laugh. "Did you actually think I was going to kiss you?"

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