"ethan! what the fuck is wrong with you?" i yell, trying not to sound like a bitch.

"the fuck you talkin' about?" he bites his bottom lip a little.

"you're acting so fucking weird..." i reply. he forces a laugh. i really wanted to punch him or something, he was the most confusing person.

"sorry i was just thinking about shit." i turn my head like a dog, confused as hell. he sees the weird look on my face and shrugs.

the last thing i wanted to do was have an uncomfortable conversation and a fucking staring contest.

"why don't we pick up grayson and james..." he points to the door and slowly gets up. "...find somewhere to eat."

"okay......." he walks over and puts his hand in front of me, signaling me to hold it. i give him a hard high five and he pulls me up.

the sun had came down early, because of daylight savings time. it was a lot more cold than normal. ethan noticed that i was shivering and walked besides me, his arm wrapped around me. the smell of his cologne was strong but made me feel warm inside.

he grabs his keys from his pocket tossing it in the air and catching it, giving me a wink.

"odd flex but okay?" i say, still attached to him. we walk over to the passenger side, and uses his other hand to open the door for me.

ethan didn't talk much during the ride, just like i thought. he was a confusing person. when we picked up grayson, his mood seemed to change. he seemed...happier.

i observed the way he acted around james too, the same. there was definitely something going on. and i'm pretty sure everyone else knew. i would casually laugh at someone's joke, but never talk throughout the car ride.

it's like i zoned out of reality, which felt like for a split second. i felt the warmth of ethan's hand on mine. confused, i look up at him. he mouths to me: what's wrong?

i put a strand of hair behind my ear and slightly shrug. james and gray were in the back having funny arguments about the dumbest shit.

we decided to all go to cane's to eat after ten minutes of convincing each other the best place. with the four of us, there's never a time where it's dead silence. i didn't talk much and ethan looked affected by it. he sat next to me in the booth, holding my hand under the table.

my stomach was turning and constantly aching. because i'm vegetarian the only thing i got was fries.

i was surprised gray and james didn't acknowledge me the whole time. i look over a gray, who was shoving chicken down his throat. he wipes off his face with a napkin and we awkwardly look at each other for a millisecond.

the rest of the night i felt like absolute shit. i kept to myself and everyone seemed to respect it. the only time ethan and i got alone was the walk to his car, which didn't last long.

he caught up behind me and kissed me on the cheek. he was trying wayyy to hard. my resting bitch face must've been really noticeable because he gave me a weird glare back.

"do you even care that gray and i are leaving?" he said softly. we both go for each other's hand.

"yea but you don't seem to care...gray doesn't either."

uncontrollable | ethma (e.d & e.c)Where stories live. Discover now