White Love

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*phone ringing*

"Hey, Riza! What's up?"

"Kei, can we meet?"

"Sure, but, where?"

"Larious Hotel. I have something to tell you in private."

"Okay, but, can you wait for a bit? I'll just finish shooting for our album jacket."


I'm Keira and Riza is my special friend. I've been courting her for almost a year now but she's still yet to say yes. She said she doesn't want a romantic relationship to ruin her career that's why she doesn't want us to make official yet. I am okay with this setup. I understand her since I'm a public figure just like her.

I went straight to the hotel after work.

I don't know for what reason but I feel something weird or unusual for the first time. We've been meeting for many times but this is the first time that I don't feel... safe?

I looked around to see if anyone's following ne but I see no one.

I just ignored the weird feeling and just went straight to the room she texted me.

I pushed the bell button and she let me in right away.

"Hey." I said to her and hugged her.

"Keira..." she said in a serious tone.
"Let's end this."

I don't know how to react. What did I just hear?

"Wait...what?" I said confused.

"Let's stop seeing each other."

Am I dreaming? Am I hearing things right?

We haven't even started yet.

The heck is happening?


"Because I no longer want to." She said coldly.

"Look, Keira, I don't want to pretend to be happy meeting you. I no longer feel the same when I'm with you. And if we continue this... it'll just cost you mkre pain in the end."

I can't think of any words to say.

I wanted to tell her no but I can't. I wanted to tell her it's okay if I get hurt but I can't. And I wanted to tell her I am willing to wait and give her more time to get to love me but... I just can't.

"Okay. If that's what you want." Is all I can say.

I left the room and drove back home.

I can't stay there for more time.
I don't want to make her feel awkward around me.

Can I even make her feel that way? Probably, no.

She's too cool to get awkward.

I wasn't even able to hug her one more time.

Or look at her eyes close for the last time.

I love her.

I really love her.

But, not everything we love can be ours.

And she's one of those things I love that can't be mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2019 ⏰

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