the cronicles: ch 2

Start from the beginning

covered in blood she looked thru the dead peoples belongings and put on a short leather dress, leather boots and hung the sword from her

from a sash that she had. Cihiro's hair was in chaos ,her eyes were blood shot

and she was craving death. Cihiro began to walk thru the woods, after a bout an hower of walking she saw a river. Cihiro walked over to the river and sat on

the bank of the river whit her feet in the water, not even bothering to take off her boots. Cihiro stayed sitting there for howers. The sun was setting and two

children ran up to her, they were both boys. The smaller, boy who had red hair and blue eyes, spoke first "Hey lady why are you alone." the older looking boy ,

who also had red hair and blue eyes, quickly said "Sorry for my little brother he's a little nosy-" but she cut him off by raising her hand and said "Do you

really want to know why im alone?" the two boys nodded there heads in a yes gesture. Cihiro sighed and said "Fine, my mom and dad were murdered right in

front of me and last night I killed there murderers." the two boys started laughing the older boy spoke after the laughter subsided "Ya that was really

funny." Cihiro kept a blank expression as she stood up she looked at the children and drew her sword the children's expressions turned from amused to

fearful Cihiro stood before the two boy's whit an expression the that was terrifying and began to say "I was serious." Cihiro raised the sword above her

head and broth it down on the older boy. The younger boy screamed and ran from Cihiro. Cihiro chased after him. The boy ran, until he

reached a house ,he ran thru the door and told his

parents panicked that they had to leave. Cihiro walked into the house and leaned on the door frame the same frightening expression still on her face, the

young boys parents looked terrified that what there son had said was true, Cihiro said "You really should have listened to your son, because if you had

you would have lived longer." Cihiro ran towards the frightened family and killed them. Cihiro looked thru the tings in the house and took a bag she filled it whit a

change of clots, water, food and money. When she was out side she set the house on fire. Cihiro then found a purpose for living: killing others. Tree days

after murdering the family of the two young boys, Cihiro came upon a village, she set up camp out side the village. At dusk seven hunters were returning

there whit the prey they cot. Cihiro had a plan to kill all of them, she stumbled onto the path attracting the hunters attention the smallest hunter no older than

twenty spoke "Are you ok miss?" Cihiro gave an evil smile and motioned for the hunter to come closer then she whispered in his "I need you're lives.". Then

Cihiro drew her sword and decapitated the hunter next to her. The rest of the hunters had already drawn there swords and were surrounding her. Cihiro

smirked and slashed another hunter, she continued this pattern of attack until only one hunter was alive. Cihiro kneeled down in front of the hunter and

stabbed the sword strait thru his hart. After cleaning her blade she continued on the path that lead to the village. At the gates two guards blocked her path but

she just killed them. Inside the village Cihiro went to the closes house and knocked on the door, The woman just

stood there confused , Cihiro lifted her sword and cut strait thru the woman's neck, after the woman's

corps fell to the ground she entered the house and killed her sleeping children. Cihiro continued to

travel house to house killing all residents of the village. At dawn Cihiro was leaving after having

massacred the entire village. But she didn't know that one person had been following her. In the

evening Cihiro was walking near a cliff and decided to set up camp, after setting up camp she

began to eat some breed, she suddenly felt bloodlust. Cihiro stood up and walked all the way

to the top of the cliff, at the top she stood on the edge she looked over the dark ocean and let a crazzed laugh escape her lips. Cihiro looked up into the sky and

said "This is goodbye world, and redemtion for killing all those people." when she finished she leaned over the edge and let herslef fall


Yeah cliffhanger literaly. Don't hate me and just so you know this is not the end.

You'll see, just don't jump off a cliff. bye ill beposting in the next few days k bye.

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