mind set

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Hey sorry for my long absecnce  but i had a lot to do and got a new idea that i just had to write so if you're reading then that means you've been patient and hears you reward.

The next morning Karu woke up and saw Cihiro asleep he felt heat rise to his cheeks and looked away. Out side Cerulia was sitting next to Kiru they were both quiet. Karu went out side and saw Ceulia and Kiru, and also noticed the the strange mound of snow and said "Um what is that?" Cerulia made a startled noise and said "Cihiro came back last night while you were asleep whit a dead body." Cerulia looked towards the tent and Kiru said "Why did she bring that body whit her, what was up whit wanting it to be recognisable." Karu sighed and said "Saw this one coming." Karu sat down in front of Kiru and Cerulia and said "None of this leaves any of our mouths got it." After receiving dual nods he continued "Well Cihiro isn't all hear if you understand, her minds messed up and she enjoys killing , so little warning when she get insane knock her out, don't think i should tell everything but i'll say this. Nearly every village we've been to she's killed every single man, woman, and child, so be carefull or it could cost you you're life."  Kiru sighed and said "We should get her a Doctor." Cerulia shook her head and said "No she may be dangerous but if she wanted a doctor she could have gotten by now. So we leave her alone until she want to. Got it." After getting nods from the boys she relaxed. Cihiro sat there wide eyed and thought ' How can Cerulia have so much faith in me that even knowing how much I've murdered she still speaks like that.' Cihiro smiled and kicked the pole holding up tent and getting out. Kiru Karu and Cerulia looked at Cihiro. Cihiro looked at all three of them and said "I saw we turn in the body, collecket the money and get moving to kill that witch that thinks she can take the crowns. So whos ready to become a murderer?" Kiru said "Well princess in not going to become a murderer but i will help." Cerulia looked determined and said "No, i  will not kill ,but i will help." Karu just shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

Hear you sorry its short but i've got no excuse bye

vote comment tell me ideas that you think should happen then maby they could turn up. Ok Bye bye

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