Chapter 2

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Me and Toriel were in a small house, she had made me ( delicious ) cookies, and warm milk. 

" S-so can you go into more detail on the Sans and Papyrus characters? " 

" Oh yes dear. Lets start with Sans. Sans is a short skeleton who wears a sweatshirt shorts and slippers, he likes to crack bone jokes. He likes hot dogs and ketchup but don't let this cute funny form fool you, Sans puts up the hardest fight than anyone in the underworld. He has killed most humans who have fallen from the over world. " 

" And Papyrus? " 

" Papyrus is a tall and skinny skeleton that wheres a scarf and likes spaghetti. But don't let his form fool you either, yes his fight is not nearly as difficult as Sans' but it is still pretty hard. " 

" So what will they do to me if they find me? " 

" Horrible things dear, the last human to fall was drowned in ketchup when they tried to kill sans. " 

* In almost a giggle * " They drowned in ketchup?! " I unintentionally burst out laughing, Toriel just stared at me. 

" Laugh all you want, but when something bad happens and I'm not there to help you, the fate of The Underworld is up to you. " 

Continue to Chapter 3 to continue reading :p


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