It's All Your Fault

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You are your worse enemy,
It's all your fault,
You wouldn't be so alone,
If it wasn't your fault.

If you weren't so ugly,
If your hair wasn't a mess,
If your eyes weren't flickering,
If you weren't so skinny,
Then people would like you.

You talk funny,
You dress strange,
Yet it doesn't matter.

If I weren't so scared,
If I weren't so dumb,
If I weren't so ugly,
I would have friends.

Yet it's all my fault.

It's all my fucking fault,
I try to make friends,
I try to blend in,
I'm fucking miserable,
I'm fucking alone.

Judged for things I can't help,
Judged for the things I do,
Nobody cares to learn about me.

I draw well,
I dress decently,
I smile,
I'm friendly,
Yet nobody cares.

I feel ugly,
I feel underweight,
I feel like a skeleton.

I'll never fit in,
I'm judged for my hidden,
My fucking hidden disability.

I'm told to take drugs,
I'm told to die,
Yet I hope.

I hope I can find someone,
Someone who can save me.

I feel like I'm dying,
But I'm not.

I feel like shit,
Like shit because so many have it worse,
And here I am complaining.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

I'm happy; I'm sad,
I'm proud; I'm depressed,
I'm levelheaded; I'm insane.

Everything goes two ways,
Two ways,
It's splitting me apart,
And it's all my fault.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2018 ⏰

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