When I first saw him..

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It was midsummer. I was searching for some new book to read as a pastime , like I do every year. I saw the bookstore I usually go to and quickly rushed in, to search for the perfect book.

The book store has the same welcoming atmosphere with the heavenly smell of new books, wooden shelves and floorings and hardcover books. The only different thing that bugged me was the new guy standing at the counter. I had never seen him before. Usually there would be an old lady who used to greet me and suggest me books as I was her regular customer. I had a good look at the guy from where I was standing.

There he stood across the counter at the book store. He had those huge nerdy glasses and hair swept at the back. Not bothered about what's going on around, just concentrating on his job.

I went over to him and asked "Hey I'm Radiance! Do you know where is the lady who usually sits out here?" He said in a husky voice which didn't match his looks "She is sick. To old to manage the store. I'm here in her place. Anything else?"

" Oh no. Nothing in particular." Giving him a polite smile I turned away from him and thought to myself Oh God! how rude! I just asked him something and he acted as if I was bothering him! Bad!!!!!!

I quickly walked away and picked up some book to read through this month. I picked up The Fifty Shades of Grey. No not because I like such stuff. Its just that I read through some parts of it and it made the guess the background. The background of the story interested me and I was urged to read the book.

I picked up the book and handed it over the the rude nerd guy. Paid him the required amount and left. I felt kinda embarrassed as he was reading the name of the book. Girl instincts. I expected him to smirk or laugh but he didn't.

I walked out of the bookstore and headed home.

As soon as I reached home I started reading the book. After an hour of reading the book my mind started wandering. I started thinking of Mrs. Heddings, the lady who used to sit at the book store.

I got quite worried as she was too old and a lady of knowledge to be leaving this world. I got of my bed and left my home to meet her as I knew she lived four houses away from her bookstore.

I walked down the streets and reached her small home. Though she owned a well known bookstore in the town she still was very poor. Maybe it was because she used get sick and her medicines were costly.

I rang her doorbell. No one answered. After some time I heard a groan and the door flew open.

Omg omg!!! Such a hot guy!! I couldn't see his face well (it was getting dark) but he was tall around 6ft 1". He was muscular but not too muscular. Amazing spiked up hair. He was shirtless wearing just his pjs.

"Hey you! What do you want huh?"

His voice was husky.

"I-I want to meet Mrs. H-Heddings"

I was constantly looking at the ground as i was speaking. He noticed I was scared of him so he moved from the door and said,"Don't be scared. Come on in"

I nodded and entered. It was a home with small rooms. As we entered into light I turned to him. I recognized him.

He was the same guy at the bookstore. The difference was that he want rude and wasn't wearing specs. I looked into his eyes it was slightly greenish but blue. It was some color similar to turquoise but much more beautiful.

He pointed towards the door behind me.

I gave him a polite smile and opened the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2014 ⏰

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