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''It's yours, your quirk not his" those words have been floating around Todoroki's mind for a year and ever since she heard those words When she's around Midoriya she feels safe but a little weird.
9 am
Todoroki's pov
Todoroki was walking to school and something was on her mind
Todoroki's mind: why have I been so flustered around midoriya all of a sudden I haven't felt like this at all is it something he did or I'm just going insa-
Good morning Todoroki-Chan
A-ah hi midoriya
Well see yah at class todo-chan
Yah se-see you later
Todoroki started to think about midoriya's face and how cute it was then she started to think about his chest and how buff it was and then she started to think about his-
Todoroki's mind: you're not mineta, you're not mineta, you're not mineta!

6 pm at the girls dorm room
The girls where board and couldn't think of what to talk about but then mina had an idea.
Mina: guys I have a game we could play!
All of the other girls: what?
Mina: it's called crush or dare!
Todoroki: that seems barbearic
Mina: not actually crushing someone, crush as in someone you like!
Todoroki: ah who do you play?
Mina: well either you say who your crush is or we dare you to do something?
Todoroki and tsuyu had a scared expression on their faces.
Mina: Katsumi your first.
Katsumi: my crush is krishima.
Mina: sorry I couldn't hear you there?
Mina: I'm sorry Katsumi nexted is momo,
Momo: I say it would have to be iida.
Mina: now that's a girl next is toru.
Toru: ojiro of course.
Mina: next is jiro
Jiro: i-its um um um it's KAMIMARI.
Mina: ha I knew it,
Mina: next is me! I like sero next is tsuyu
Tsuyu: Kero I choose dare
Tsuyu's mind: I rather not have ochaco rip my throat out because I like midoriya.
Mina: I dare you to not sleep on your bed for a night!
Tsuyu: uh ok.
Mina: your turn ochaco.
Ochaco: deku!
Mina: wow just letting it out ok now your turn todoroki: um um I-i-i like......

To be continued

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