Chapter 1: Sky Suzuki

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Hi everyone! Chapter 1 is here! :) In this chapter, you'll see Sky's mom for about 2 lines. She's going to be important later on. A lot of what/who Sky is is pretty vague until later in the story, so I hope you stick with me and continue reading... 

"I'm so proud of you Sky," A woman with black hair and grey eyes said. "You've made me so proud."

Sky, a young woman with matching black hair and eyes smiled as she slipped on the grey blazer of the UA school uniform. "Thanks mom," She said smiling. She grabbed a light blue ribbon from her dresser drawer and tied her hair up into a high ponytail.

"She would be proud of you sweetie. Trust me," the mother of Sky whispered softly.

Sky glanced down, quickly looking back to up to show her mother a broad smile. "I've got to go now." She hugged her mother goodbye and stepped out of her apartment door, starting the next exciting part of her life.

After riding the bus to UA's campus, she scrambled through the halls of the enormous school to find her classroom. Standing in the huge doorway of Class 1-A were three of Sky's classmates: a cute girl with hazel hair, a young man with glasses, and another boy with messy hair.

The girl was jumping around excitedly, "I can't wait! Today's the first day of school!"

Sky smiled at the girl's bubbly personality. The boy with glasses noticed her waiting and motioned for the others to step aside. "Hello fellow classmate. My name is Tenya Iida." He introduced rigidly.

"My name's Ochako Uraraka," The bubbly girl said, waving.

"Oh! My name's Izuku Midoriya," The boy with the messy hair introduced.

Sky eyed Midoriya quickly before introducing herself. "My name's Sky Suzuki" Sky said, "It's nice to meet you."

"Why aren't you all in your seats?" A tired, scruffy looking man in a sleeping bag asked from behind the students congregated at the door of the classroom. Everyone stared in confusion at the man. "I'm Shota Aizawa your homeroom teacher." He glanced at Sky. "It's good to see you again Sky."

Sky grinned sheepishly in response. "Good to see you too Mr. Aizawa."

"Sky," Tenya asked abruptly. "How do you know our homeroom teacher?"

Sky glanced nervously to the side. "Well,"

"Sky got in through recommendation. I met her on the testing day." Mr. Aizawa interrupted. "Now then. Get these on and head to the field outside." He said pulling out the PE uniform. "We're having a quirk apprehension test."

"But we're going to miss orientation!" Ochako said. "That's not fair!"

"Life isn't fair either. It's a hero's job to fight when things are unfair. Get dressed." Soon later, everyone was dressed and on the field. "Alright everyone. Today you're going to be tested in five different categories. Back in school, you weren't allowed to use your quirks in physical assessments. Well, that's going to change here. Not everyone is created equal." Mr. Aizawa turned to Bakugo. "Bakugo, you scored the highest on the entrance exam. What was your farthest softball throw in junior high."

"76 meters I think." He answered.

"Try using your quirk." Mr. Aizawa ordered as he handed him a softball.

Bakugo nodded and stepped into the circle. The threw the ball with all of his might, launching it into the air with his explosion quirk. The ball landed and Mr. Aizawa held up his phone, showing that Bakugo had thrown the softball 705.2 meters.

Everyone's eyes went wide. The class bubbled with excitement. "Using our quirks as much as we want! This'll be so cool!" one of the boys cheered.

"You think this'll be fun?" Mr. Aizawa growled. "These tests will be used to measure your potential as heroes. The person that comes in last, has none and will be immediately expelled."

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