Relax, Baby

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Remmy's P.O.V.

I glared at him from my spot on the fluffy rug. We were in the living room, me on my stomach and him on the couch with a book. Someone decided that a little tummy time was good for me.

I hate tummy time. I hate him. I hate everything.

Riley's P.O.V.

I could feel Remmy's glare from halfway across the room. I chose to ignore and pretended to read my book. Truly I was thinking about all of the ways that I could make Remmy feel more comfortable.

I could tell that he was not in his headspace right now but on the very cusp of it. If I made a correct move, I could have him tumbling in.

Remmy's P.O.V.

Honestly, I loved my headspace. All I wanted to do was cry out for my daddy and have him running to snuggle me...

But I couldn't because of him. My old daddy who hated my clinginess. He hated changing my diapers and told me that I was a terrible baby. He even hit me when I asked him about breastfeeding...

I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks as I snuffled into the carpet.

I heard the couch creak and I froze.

Riley's P.O.V.

I stood up, concerned. I had heard Remmy cry out and wanted to make sure that he was okay. Looking at the clock I realized that he had had enough tummy time for today anyway.

As I went to crouch down next to him, I heard a small whimper leave his little lips. I cooed softly and slowly patted his back.

He tensed up and it broke my heart.

"Oh, baby," I whispered as I gently soothed his tight shoulders. The poor little was so tense that even just rubbing a hand over his shoulders I could feel the knots.

"Come on, princess. Let's go upstairs." I whispered to Remmy as I swung him up on to my hip.

He squealed in surprise and his tiny fists closed on the collar of my shirt.

We reached the stairs and he tucked his head into my chest, his breathing becoming labored. I stopped for a second, confused, and stroked his soft hair.

I went to start up the stairs and he cried out, pulling himself tighter to me.

It dawned on me that he's afraid of the stairs and I curse his previous daddy for whatever he did to this boy to wreck him so badly. He had been asleep when I had brought him to his room from the center, he had been crying when he came down them during his panic attack, He had been asleep when we went back up them, and he had been asleep when I brought him down for tummy time.

I quickly grabbed a blanket from the living room recliner and swaddled Remmy up really tightly. The blanket went up and over his head, only leaving his face uncovered. His big eyes stared up at me in surprise, his little body wiggling about (as little as it could at least).

"There you go, little one. You are completely safe." I cooed as I lifted the bundle and faced Remmy over my shoulder so that he couldn't see the stairs.

I made sure that I moved slowly up the stairs, each of my steps firm and steady, showing Remmy that I wouldn't drop him.

He still breathed heavily, but he did not cry. I considered it an achievement.

I made my way into my bedroom and gently laid the Remmy bundle down in the middle of the bed. It made him look even more tiny than usual.

I took a step back from the bed to take a picture with my phone. I caught him mid-yawn and couldn't help but laugh softly.

Remmy scowled slightly, his trapped legs wiggling around as he tried to free himself.

"Oh, hunny, you're too little to do that your self, let Daddy help you."

I get up on the bed, leaning over Remmy, purposely making him feel small without scaring him. It worked and he stopped moving, staring up at me.

I made quick work of the wrap, untucking his small body from it while being careful to cradle his neck. When in full headspace, I pictured him as a newborn. I settled him back down onto the thick comforter and Remmy sank down into the soft material.

I took one of his bare, little feet in my hand and stroked it softly, cooing sweet nothings to him. Remmy blushed so hard that I thought he would implode.

Once I had him calm again, I gently picked him up and situated him on his stomach, his upper body resting on one of my pillows.

I pulled his onesie off slowly, so as to not frighten him. He remained chill and I took that as my go-ahead.

I began to gently knead the knots in his shoulders, sweet little whimpers leaving his mouth. Remmy quickly turned to putty in my hands, his small fists tugging on the blanket beneath him.

"That's it, baby, relax. You don't need to be stressed because Daddy's here to take care of you." He only whimpered in response as I hit a decently sized knot.

I made my way down his shoulders, then his back and his thighs. I moved down to his calves and finished with his feet again.

Remmy did not move once I finished and I thought perhaps that he had fallen asleep again. I chuckled and went to move off the bed. Remmy's soft voice broke through the silence of the room and I froze.

"Daddy?" He called softly.

"Yes, princess?" I respond slowly. He whimpered and then fell silent. I had to coax it out of him.

"Tell me, sweetie, what do you want?" Remmy whimpered again before responding.

"Don't leave me. Carry me please, it's too scary." I nearly melted at his sweet words.

I carefully climbed back onto the bed and lifted the relaxed boy into my lap. I worked to pull his onesie back on and checked to see if he had used his diaper. He had, probably from all of that forced relaxation. He hadn't pooped yet and I added muscle relaxers to my mental shopping list.

The entire time while I did this, Remmy just stared up at me with his big doe eyes. I could see that he was slipping further and further. His use of "daddy" told me that too, but I could see it physically too.

I was falling for the little booger.

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