Sleeping Beauty

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"One last song!" You yelled to the crowd gathered for the Christmas Music Festival. They cheered and you laughed. The intro music to All I Want For Christmas is You started playing and you gripped the microphone, waiting for your cue. Your backup dancers, dressed in Santa dresses and hats started their dance. You wore a red bodysuit with lace tights and thigh high boots. "I don't want a lot for Christmas," you start singing.

"There is just one thing I need," you walk down to the edge of the stage and multiple people reach for you. You wave to the crowd and continue your song. About 1 minute in, someone from the stage crew runs down to you. You move the microphone away from your mouth and they talk into your ear. "Tom's in the hospital." Your smile fell, and immediately you thought the worse.

"I-I have to go. I'm sorry." You spoke shakily into the microphone before you ran off stage. Your manager stopped you. "Where the hell are you going?" She asks you fuming. One of the others from the crew whisper into her ear and she drops her hand. You run passed her and go into your dressing room, grabbing your bag, pulling a sweatshirt over your head and taking Tessa's leash from your best friend who also is the tour makeup artist.

"Tessa, not right now." She was jumping on you, excited to see you even though it had only been an hour or so. She was completely oblivious to what was going on.

You ran as fast as you could in your shoes outside of the venue and hauled a cab. "Not right now guys, please." You tried to be nice to the fans asking for pictures and crowding you. You tried to remain calm for the paparazzi who was taking pictures, but tears streamed down your face. You didn't know what happened. For all you know Tom could be barely hanging on.

You pushed through the crowd with Tessa and got into the cab that pulled over. "The airport and fast." You tell the driver as you pulled away from the group that was taking pictures of you. You drove to the airport in silence, Tessa nuzzling her head in your lap as if trying to make you feel better.

You pulled out your phone and called Harrison. "Y/N?" He asked picking up. "Is he okay?" You asked him, not even bothering with a "Hello". "We don't know. The doctors haven't said anything. I'll call you as soon as we hear." He tells you. You can hear Nikki crying in the background. "No use. I'll be on a plane." You told him as you pulled up to the airport. You gave the guy money, not bothering to get change and got out with Tessa and your bag.

"You're coming?" Harrison asked as you were questioned by paparazzi who followed you to the airport, what was wrong and why you left the show. "Of course. My boyfriend is in the hospital and you don't think I would come as soon as I could?" You asked trying to balance your phone on your shoulder, holding your bag and keeping control of Tessa at the same time.

"Of course, yeah." He says. You walk through the doors of the airport, and to security check. "I have to go now Haz. I'll call you when I land." You tell him hanging up and placing your phone and bag in the little tub for the metal detector. You walk through and they checked Tessa.

When you were both clear you speed walked through the airport to find the correct desk. "How can I help you?" One lady asked as you walked up to the desk. "I need a flight to London immediately. You tell her, trying to wipe tears. "With the dog?" She asks eyeing Tessa. "The next flight with pets would be in 2 days." She tell you. "No I need to get to London now!" You raise your voice. Tears start to fall again.

"Y/N Y/L/N?" A coworker of the lady walks over to you. "What's going on? Is everything okay?" She asks you obviously a fan. "I need to get to London. Tom's in the hospital!" You tell her. "I've got her covered." The new worker says letting the other lady leave. "We're technically booked full for all flights that allow animals, but if I can register Tessa as a service dog, she'll be able to fly with you. The next possible flight I can get you in takes off in about 30 minutes. They're boarding in 5. Would you want that one? You two can sit next to each other in row E, seats 3 and 4." She tells you checking on her tablet. "Yes! Thank you so much!" You give her a hug over to counter. She gives you the tickets as you hand her your card. Wen you pay for the tickets you check your phone and it says you have 20 minutes until it takes off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2019 ⏰

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