Chapter 1: The Bronze Dragon

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A 7 year old Druella is seen running away from men with the Order, swords drawn and laughing cruelly. She trips and tumbles, and is surrounded by the men.

"Looky here men. Looks like we found the daughter of the Demon Lord. If we take her hostage, maybe she'll surrender and this shit will finally end! Or we take her head and get a fabulous reward!"

The other men chuckle sinisterly as they advance on the young child. But a sudden roar interrupts them. A bronze mechanical claw suddenly crushes one of the men below foot, crushing his entire body. Several pairs of frightened eyes trail upwards, to see fire brimming from the mechanical jaws of a mechanical marvel.

 Several pairs of frightened eyes trail upwards, to see fire brimming from the mechanical jaws of a mechanical marvel

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It's eyes glow red like rubies, and a long sword like appendage is attached to the tail. The mechanical dragon spreads its wings and let out a powerful burst of flames, incinerating the four out of five remaining soldiers. The last falls on his ass, trembling. The dragon lets out a long mechanical growl. It's tail whips around, and the sword spilts down the middle, revealing a long crystal, which begins to glow. Energy crackles through crystal and it fires a beam of pure mana. The man screams in agony as his body is turned into nothingness.

 The man screams in agony as his body is turned into nothingness

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(Kinda like this)

The mechanical beast then turns and lowers itself down to the small demon princess. She covers her head and shivers in terror. But a bronze tongue gently brushes her face. She looks up, tears streaming from her eyes. The dragons metallic snorts, letting a small cloud of warm embers surround Druella. It lowers its left wing, gesturing for it to get on. She shakily stands up, before climbing up its wing slowly. She finds that there are comfortable saddle like areas on its back. The massive mechanical dragon spreads its wing and soars into the air, Druella holding on tight.

They fly over the forest, and the dragon beats his wings harder, making them rise higher into the air. It stops as they pass underneath a cloud, and Druella reaches up and touches the vapor. It slowly descends, flying above the large walls of the city. It sticks its front legs outwards, and lands gracefully, though it still sends cracks through the cobblestone. It crouches an lowers it's wing again, letting Druella slide down the wing.



An older blue skinned woman with an amazing figure hugs the young blue skinned Lillim. She then stares up at the mechanical bronze dragon.

"What's this?"

"He saved me! He crushed those Order people and burned and lazered them! It was so cool."

"What created you?"

An autonomous voice responds.



Archimedes, a wonderfully intelligent female inventor and scientist. She had many wild creations. But now one of those stood before the Demon Lord, it bronze armor plates shining in the late afternoon sun. Steam puffs from one of the horn like vents on the side of its head, and it tilts its head curiously.

"Why did you save my daughter."

"I... It... was my... creators wish... to protect... and serve... the Demon Lord... because... she... believed... th... that... you can unite this world. And... I shall... help... you."

"Very well then. Do you have a name?"

"N... no."

Druella suddenly pipes up.

"Festus! Let's call you Festus!"

The massive bronze dragon tilts it head bride nodding.

"I... Fetsus... the Bronze Dragon of Archimedes... now follow the Demon Lord and her daughter Druella's wish."

"I hope that Archimedes added a shrinking feature. Did she?"

"In... a way. Step back please."

They do so, and the metal plates of the dragon start to slide and shift, shrinking and compacting, until a small boy with bronze dragon wings, claws and tail with sword stands up, and opens his eyes, revealing peculiar red eyes with a crosshairs symbol surrounding his pupils. He brushes fiery red hair form his eyes, and he remove his dragon helm.

 He brushes fiery red hair form his eyes, and he remove his dragon helm

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"I am now Druella's faithful guard until I'm turned to scrap."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2019 ⏰

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