Feeling Better. (Part 4)

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Hey! So another chapter. I have been doing my best to watch for typos and shit, but a little difficult. Anyway, the art has nothing to do with the story, just some cute art I found, but what the fuck ever.
Spider-Man's POV:

Wade and I Were just laying in my bed whenWade got a phone call. He answered and said, "This better be fucking good." I heard some talking on the other end, then Wade said, "How much?" I heard some more talking, then Wade told them to send him the details, after Wade hung up. "What was that?" I asked him.
"A job for me." He answered.
"What kind of job?"
"I get a phone call from someone to kill some nasty person for money, but I have to do it how the person on the line wants me to. Almost creepy if you think about it."
"That's actually really creepy."
"I know."
"When do you have to do this? And where?"
"This time I get 3 days, and my job is in Arkansas somewhere."
"That's forever away! How will you be able to get there?"
"I have my ways."
"Don't be mean Spidey."
"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, we have to get get ready for the day."
Wade and I both got up, got dressed in our suits, and were ready to leave in 20 minutes.
"Goodbye. See you in a few days." Wade said to me. I told him goodbye and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Also, I'll text you later." He told me.
"Ok." I said. I watched him leave from the top of the apartment building. I'm going to miss him, but I have to stay strong. Maybe swinging around the city will make me feel better. I shot a web to the first building and looked at all of the buildings as I swung passed them. The city was unusually quiet today. I looked down each alleyway, not a criminal to be seen.
"This isn't right." I told myself. Just then my spidey-sense started going nuts. I whipped around in every direction, still no criminal to be seen. My spidey-sense was still going haywire. Just then my vision started going fuzzy, I started to loose balance and let go of my web. I plunged to the ground but I caught myself. My vision was still blurry, I could hardly see. I collapsed. In one of the allys, a figure with a black cloak and almost white skin stood there. She whispered, "Fight. He still needs you." Then she disappeared. I got up and tried walking down the sidewalk, I collapsed again in front of an entrance to one of the buildings. I heard someone come out the door, then I heard them say, "Oh my god. Spider-Man! Is everything alright?"
"N-no. Can you get me to that building over t-there? Please." I asked weakly.
"Of course." He told me.
The man grabbed my arm and put it over his shoulder, then he walked me over to Aunt May's old work.
"This building?"
"Y-yes. Thank you so much."
"Anything for you Spidey."
He set me down and I shot a web to the roof and it pulled me up to the top. I grabbed my bag of stuff, threw my clothes over my suit, removed my mask, gloves and boots, then slipped shoes on. It took me about 15 minutes. I could hardly see but I made it to the front desk. I asked the lady if she could get me some food A.S.A.P. She asked if I had any preference and I said no. She led me over to a chair and sat me down. She then left. I could feel myself getting closer to blacking out each second. I heard a female voice telling me to fight it. The lady came back with some food, and I ate. I started to regain vision, and the pain in my stomach was gone. The lady started asking me questions like, what happened, how old are you, etc. I told her that I haven't eaten in a week or so and that I was 24. She told me that she was new and wasn't familiar with who I was. So I told her that my name was Peter Parker. She asked if my aunt was May. I said yes. She also told me how sorry she was for my loss. I told her that I got it a lot and thank you. Then she told me that I need to eat more, I told her I didn't mean to, and she just told me to be more careful. I thanked her once more, and headed out again. I got back onto the roof, and slipped my gloves, mask, and boots back on, then I took my everyday clothes off. I looked at my phone and saw I got a text from Wade.

Wadey Bear ❤️🖤: Hey Spidey I just wanted to tell you that I loved you also I left a gift for you on the bed 😉

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