Lets Talk

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     You couldn't sleep, all you could think about was Shaun and what happened to him. Why was he gone? Where did he go? What did he do? How could he leave without telling you? It was 5am now and you gave up trying to fall asleep. 'It's Sunday I don't have to worry about work.' You wanted to make sure Shaun was okay, it hurt you to imagine what was going through his mind. You put a big comfy sweater on and made some chocolate chip pancakes for Shaun. They were his favorite.


     'What if he doesn't want to see me? What if that girl is trying to talk to him?' So many thoughts were going through your mind as you made your way to Shaun's apartment. You stood in front of his door for a while, with a plate of pancakes in hand. 'It's too early he might not even be up I should just leave.' You knocked on the door and to your surprise Shaun was awake. He opened the door, but his eyes were pink and puffy, he was crying. You opened your mouth to say something, but nothing came out. After a few moments of silence, you asked if you could come in and Shaun moved away from the door so you could walk in.

    "I made some pancakes for you." Shaun closed the door and looked at you. "Why are you so nice to me?" The hurt in his voice made you want to hug and comfort him, but you knew he didn't like hugs. "Because I care about you."

     "But why?"

      "Because I- I...I love you Shaun. I love you very much." You moved closer to Shaun to try and comfort him "No you don't! You don't love me the way I love you and it hurts." Shaun's voice was cracking into sobs, and he went quiet. You could feel tears start to fall from your own eyes "you don't know that." You reached out to Shaun, but he started pacing back and forth.

     "Yes, I do! Lea told me, she said if she doesn't kiss me, she doesn't like me and-" you couldn't take it anymore. You gently grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss. He pulled back in shock. "Why did you do that?" His voice was raspy from crying. "Because I love you" you cupped his cheek. "Are you lying?" His response broke your heart 'who hurt you!' "No, I'm not lying Shaun, I really do love you."

     "Okay..." you rubbed your thumb over his cheek. "Can you kiss me again?" You smiled and kissed him. After that morning you and Shaun began dating.

☁️☁️ 3 months later☁️☁️

     You two have been considering moving in together. Shaun thought it was a better idea for him to move into your apartment because he had less furniture to move, and you wanted to get him away from Lea. You drop Shaun off at the hospital every morning, he is very clingy, but you don't mind. It was nice feeling wanted after so many years of being alone.

     You decided to stay in the apartment to organize all of Shaun's things. There was a knock on the door, you thought it might be Shaun but then you realized it was way too early for him to be home. You walked to the door and found the devil on the other side, you father and mother looking down at you in glee. They barge in "oh hi honey nice apartment!" Your mother saw the cactus with Christmas light still on it even though it was way past Christmas. "What the fuck is that?" You sigh "that's my Christmas- never mind."  Your dad was looking through your fridge "What are you guys doing here? I thought you were in Canada."

     Your father laughed "we just wanted to visit; it's been years since we've seen you." 'Yeah, that's why I ran away so you'll never be able to find me.' Your mom saw Shaun's picture on the coffee table "well we got some of your mail at our house and thought we'd pay a visit. Who are these children?" Your mom picked up the picture of Shaun and his brother "do you have kids? You are too young to be having kids!" You take the picture frame out of her hands and put it back "no I don't have kids, that's a picture of my boyfriend and his brother when they were younger."

     "Boyfriend?!" You dad quickly walked over to you and your mother. Your mother smiled "Boyfriend, oooo What does he do? What's his name?"

     "His name is Shaun and he's a surgeon." Your mothers' eyes lit up, "ooooo a surgeon! How much money does he make?" You avoided the question "oh look at the time it's getting late. I need to go to work tomorrow you guys should leave." Your mother looked at the clock "late? It's only 3 in the afternoon."

     "Wait work, don't tell me you're still working at that retard clinic." You clenched your fist, "yes dad I still work at an elementary school."

     "You should get a real job instead of helping these children. They get enough help from the government." You were about to say something, but you didn't want to start an argument. 'Get the fuck out of my house.' "I think you guys need to leave." Your mother got agitated "leave? We just got here, why are you trying to push us away? We are your family. Is there something you want to tell us? Are you hiding something?" You were getting annoyed with every word that came out of their mouths. "Are you pregnant?"
"No dad." There was a knock at the door 'fuck!'

     You opened the door and in walked Shaun. "Shaun, what are you doing here so early?" He put his bags down "Dr. Melendez said they didn't need me and that I could come home. Who are these people?" Your dad gave him a strange look. Shaun reached into his pocket for his toy scalpel. "These are my parents. This is my mother, and this is my father." Shaun gulped "Hello, I'm Dr. Shaun Murphy I am a surgical resident at San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital." He held out a shaky hand, your parents looked at his hand and back at him. Your dad turned to you "can we talk in the other room NOW."

     "Okay..." You turned to Shaun "Shaun we're going to have a talk. Can you sit in the living room and wait for me?" Shaun looked scared "okay."

     You walked your parents over to your room and closed the door. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Your father was very angry "what?"

     "You said he was a surgeon!"

     "He is." Your dad pinched the bridge of his nose. "That guy's not a fucking surgeon! I don't want my grandkids being all fucked up in the head like him!" You took a deep breath "okay you know what I'm tired of being nice, that's it. Get out of my house now." Your mother gasped "how could you kick your own family out?" You opened the door "get out now or I'm calling the police." Your dad walked out "fine I won't be where I'm not wanted." As they left your dad gave Shaun a death glare, but Shaun was holding onto his toy scalpel and didn't see.

     You walked over to Shaun and sat next to him. "They seem nice." You rested your head on his shoulder and hugged him. He noticed something was wrong and hugged you back "Do you need anything?" You smiled "just you."

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