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  JJ's POV

  oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no OH NO!!

  Is this really happening?! It can't be.. the day has finally come... I RAN OUT OF FANTA!!! such terror!

  What am I gonna do? I turn and look over at some fanart of Shinsou & Bakugou (BNHA) that I printed and taped to my wall. Those lovely boys must know what I should do..

  "Oh lovely Bakuhoe and Sleep deprived boi! What should I do in this madness? I have ran out of Fanta!" I prayed to the wall fanart.

  "Yo, just get more at the store smh," Shinsou whispered in my mind.. silly Shinsou!

"Wha?? That's impossible! Fanta comes from the heavens, not stores silly lmao," I laughed in response to the Shinsou fanart.

"The heavens? That's like saying I'm just a piece of fanart taped to your wall!! It's not true!!!" Bakugou yelled back.

Weird. How did he know about the wall fanart? I decided to stop thinking about that question after I heard a knock at my door.

I finished my prayer to the BNHA gods and I walked over to the door to reveal..


It was AJ standing at my door.. I might be wrong though, AJ doesn't have green eyes but this person does! Couldn't possibly be AJ.

"Hello JJ, It's been a long time, hasn't it?" Nevermind, that really was AJ! I recognize that voice.

"AJ! What happened!? You were gone for months and you haven't responded to anyone.. I think!"
I was mad, of course. She's been missing for so long and then she suddenly shows up??

"Don't worryyyy. I've just been doing something important," AJ's response was weird, but I let it slide for now..

"Ok then. What brings you to my house? Do you also want to pray to the BNHA gods?" Why did AJ come here? Was there a reason?

Or maybe this was just some silly April Fools Prank that AJ put on the others and I! Except it's July..

"JJ. I want to show you something important," AJ put me out of my thinking.. something important?


"Yes, very."

"Okie Doki.. what's this important thing you want to show me?"

AJ suddenly grabbed my hand and started to pull me in the direction of the 'important thing'. I tried asking her what this was all about multiple times but all I got in return was silence.

She pulled me inside of a certain house and we walked into a dark bare room with nothing but a computer and other tech near the corner of my left.

"What is this pl-"

I never got to finish before everything started to get blurred and darkened, the last thing I saw before passing out was.. Monika..?

Okie Doki. Remake of Part 2 is finally done.
If you're wondering, JJ is the oc of a friend of mine (who I am not gonna name for privacy reasons).

The BNHA gods were merciless in this chapter.

The Hearts Reversal: DDLC Natsuki x F!Reader {2}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora