"Yes Dean" they all said in chorus.

"I want you to perform a song entitled 'Growl' " the Dean said.

Woah sounds good!

"May I ask the genre of this song Dean?" a member who I remembered to be Suho asked.

"Hm it's a cool genre with cool uniforms" Dean smiled.

"and Iz*One" he looked at us.

"Yes Dean" we all said.

"You're going to perform La Vie En Rose" he said while writing it in the white board in his back.

La Vay? La vei ? La what?

'La Vie En Rose ' the Dean wrote in the whiteboard.

Jeez I like the title!

"What's the purpose of performing this songs, Dean?" Eunbi asked.

Yeah, what's the purpose?

"Our school has twice lesser enrollee now , compared before. In order to bring back it's percentage, you'll perform this song so that students will be persuaded to enter our university" the Dean said pointing at his drawing in the board.

What is that? Is that a building? Or a rock? Pftt hahahahahaha

"And hmm I'll give you an exchange for that,only if you will succeed" he continued.

"I'll be giving you a trip to every place here in our country. You're exempted for this semester, I'll give you an allowance and also, foods are free" he smiled at us.

Woah! This prize is too much!

Everyone clapped their hands because of excitement and happiness.

"Your practice will start tomorrow. I'll instruct Mr. Tan and Ms. Kim to give you the instructions. Okay Higher A, meeting ajourned!" The Dean said.

We all stood up and bowed our heads.

Hmm I'm curious about how the song sounds.

"Sakuraa~ are you okay now?" I heard Yena said while we're walking in the hallway .

I turned around and saw Yena hugging Sakura from behind.

"Ehem, she needs to rest" I said .

I went to Sakura and put my arm in her shoulder so that Yena wouldn't hug her.

Yena narrowed her eyes at me.

"I'll treat you ice cream!" I whispered to Yena making her smile.

"Sakura, are you feeling good now? Cheer up! Soon we're I - I mean we all can have a vacation early if we'll perform the song great!" I said cupping Sakura's face and holding her lips to make it smile.

" Ahh yah- yah! It hurts. I'll smile now okay? See?" she said while smiling widely.

"You know what? You look more gorgeous when you smile" I said .

What the? What did I just said?!

"What?" she asked

Good thing the members are walking ahead of us.

"I m- mean you're pretty, ahh yeah you're pretty . What? oh yeah of course you're pretty" I said with a confused reaction.

"Hahaha, you're really cute!" she said.

She pinched my cheeks.

Woah that's so sudden!

She removed her hand in my cheek and immediately bowed her head.

I feel my cheeks getting warm.

"Uh haha I can't resist your cuteness!" she said , still smiling at me.

"Anyways , y- you a- also look more beautiful in our uniform" she said as she jogged ahead of me, leaving me dumbfounded.

A/N: Thank you for waiting the update! Hope you can share your thoughts about this story! Please do vote and comment .I'll do my best to update as much as possible.
Thank You!

Bubblyehet 💜

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