- W-Why...Shura? I- I thought we we're comp- Said the bandits leader.

-No, we're not friends or any thing like that. I only went with you because I wanted an easy access to the sacred tree. Said Shura.

He simply sighed and remained in silence until you punched him, on his face.

-Hey, what was that for? Asked Shura.

-So, you're another thief! You're here just to still the water from the Fountain of Light?!

-Hey, hey let's just calm down a bit. He Said.

-Get out. You said that using your powers to throw him out of the three.

-Waaa! Screamed Shura.

-What a jerk! You said that returning to the Fountain.

Shura's Pov.

-Waaa! He screamed until he fell on top of a tree

-Gods, I swear if I hit the floor I was death. He said getting out of the tree.

-Alright. Let's try again! He said.

You're Pov.

-I never saw, such a jerk , until now. Agh! Why the hell doesn't he get out of my head?!

-Hey there. Said Shura.


-Just let me tell you, why I want to drink the water of the Fountain. He Said.

-I won't listen to you! You said that, once again banishing him!

You trowed him out of the three again.

-And don't come back again!

Shura's Pov.

-She did it again. Luckily, there are many trees here. He said. - I don't know why but she is kind of cute.

You're Pov.

-You're safe, now my tree, I will make sure no one comes here, because without your water you will die and all of us too...

-You will what? Asked Shura.

-Damn, that was fast?! And why the hell are you still alive?!

-I don't know, every time you trowed me out of here, I ended up in a tree. He said.

-All of the trees here are connected to the Fountain...And for you to be alive, must be that the fountain wants you to be alive, for some reason...

-Now can I get my water? Asked Shura.

-No! If you drink just a little of that water, the Sacred tree will die. That's why, as the guardian of this tree, I cannot let you drink it.

-I see. Well, if that's the case I'm going. He Said.

-You are?

-Yup. I don't want you to die. He aid Serious.

-(This man, he's thoughts say that he really is going to go and never come back. Thou I somehow will miss him...). -Ugh!

-Oi?! What's wrong with you?! Asked Shura.

-There is someone coming in this direction and it's planing to steal the water?!

-What?! Said Shura.

You ran to the main entrance and saw all of you subordinates being killed.

-Milady, p-please protect the fountain. Said one of your subordinates dying.

-Mimi, Lilia, Samuel, all of them, their all death!

-Damn does monsters again! Said Shura.

-You know them?

-Those things are very powerful and they kill everything and everyone who's in front of them. Said Shura.

-I need to protect the Fountain, please get out of here, and go to a safe place!

-I'm not leaving you! Said Shura.

-Shura... A sweet blush formed in your cheeks.

-What are you waiting for, let's go! Said Shura.

You nodded as the two of you went to the fountain.

In the fountain, there we're a lot of soldiers, they were semi-visible so it was hard to see them. You and Shura started fighting them, but they were so many, you guys couldn't handle them all.

-Huff, huff. We're outnumbered!

-Oi?! The fountain is going to die, if they keep destroying everything. Said Shura.

-My allies, they are all death...Shura, I don't want you to die. Huff...It's my job to protect the fountain, please go...

-Never! Said Shura.

While saying this Shura was attacked by one of the semi visible soldiers.

-Ugh! He screamed.


-I'm fine, d-don't worry... He said that getting up.

-You can't fight like that! You quickly took the sacred glass, and the water of the fountain was all contained there. You rushed to Shura and made him drink it, so he could gain the enough power to fight does soldiers.-I'm sorry everyone, but it seems I failed my mission...Shura got up and fought all of the soldiers making them retreat.

-Are you aright? He asked.

You fainted in his arms. -I would really have liked if instead of the fountain, you came to steal me instead...

-I will return one day to steal you (Y/n), just wait for me. He said that embracing you and kissing your forehead.

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