chapter one:

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Trish's pov:

I packed the remaining boxes I had in my room  looking around I plopped down on the bed

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I packed the remaining boxes I had in my room  looking around I plopped down on the bed.  Hey sweetie you all packed and ready for tomorrow? My dad asked me.  I chewed my lip. No not really but I need to get away for a little while.  I'm gonna miss you pumpkin pie my dad said sitting on the edge of my bed. I know Same here, but... I know that I'm making a good decision to get to know my mother and the rest of my family.  Yeah I know Trish he sighed. 

Do you want any thing to eat? Umm maybe in a few minutes Dad. Okay baby I'll be down stairs if you need anything. He gave me a hug and kissed my temple.   Walking out of my room laying back down I stared at the ceiling just thinking when my phone next to my bed rang.  I pray it isn't  him. We have been on/off for a while now. Because I caught him in a lie. Just to what I expected was him calling me. Nah not today satan.  I said to Myself.  The phone stopped ringing finally. Then I went back to take a nap... hours later  Jake asked me if I wanted to hang out. Sure lemme get dressed. Okay I can't wait to see you.  Same here.

I agreed it's been forever since we hung out.  I did miss him a lot.   Knock knock can I come in? Yeah of course.  She opened the door to give me some money.  What the heck?!?! I was shocked, um you want me to take this? Of course Trish I want you to be secure and safe she told me.  Don't worry about paying me back sweetie you keep it.   She reassured me.  Thanks  Angie I appreciate it. No problem honey. Anyway what are you planning on doing today? She asked me.  I'm Meeting Jake  in a couple of minutes and I don't know after that, we'll see what today brings.  Okay  have fun.  She pulled me into a nice warm hug I'm gonna miss you so much she said crying.  Awl don't start please..... I'll call you and daddy every day I promise.  You better.  she grinned leaving me to get ready for my date with Jake.  I'm gonna miss him and all my friends here. 

An hour later we met up at the food court. There he was looking right at me with a grin on his face.  Of course I smiled back.  Hey Trish long time no see how are you? I'm good, you? I'm fine  oh I ordered us some curly fries because I know how much you loved them.  Thanks.  No problem

We chalked it up for an hour or so but it occurred to me that I will never see him again so why not just live in the moment.  More updates coming soon 😘

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