Origins: Part I

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Afternoon - Unknown Rooftop

             Izuku Midoriya was still trying to get control of his breathing. He had just flown through the sky after grabbing onto All Might's leg. The aforementioned hero looked down on the timid student with his trademark smile. What the boy didn't know was that behind that smile, was a very stressed out man. 'Izu... why did it have to be you? Your mother and I always told you to take the safe route home. It doesn't matter now, he did want to know something.'             

             "You said you wanted to ask me something, my boy? I must ask that you hurry because I need to get this villain to the authorities!" He asked, with a smile. The Green-haired boy managed to compose himself before he spoke up.

             "W-Well y-you see... Mr. All Might sir, I'm a very big fan of you... and I've always wanted to be a hero just like you!" He said trying to sound confident, but was still very shy. "The only problem is... is that I'm quirkless." All Might looked down at the boy, still hiding how he truly felt.

             "Izu... Please... don't say it... I don't want to go to war with myself..." He thought. Izuku took the silence as the que to continue. 

             "With that being said... Can I still be a hero without a quirk?" He asked with a small look of hope in his eye. That look broke All Might, otherwise known as Toshinori Yagi. He loved his son but knew he couldn't let his feelings cloud his judgement. He knew what he had to say.

               'Please forgive me... Izu.'

             "I'm sorry my boy... but you can't be a hero without a quirk. It's far too dangerous. It's very dangerous for those who have quirks already, but for you... I'm sorry, but no way." He said in an apologetic tone. The looked back at his son, who had all traces of hope disappear completely. "But there are plenty of other jobs you can do that are heroic! Like a police officer or a fireman!" He said, trying to restore the hope that had been lost. He failed.

               "Oh... All right... I understand." Was all he said in response. This sight broke the hero father, who desperately wanted to tell his son the truth about who he and his wife were, the truth behind his quirk, everything. But he knew he couldn't put a power like One For All at risk due to his emotions. He then realized that he was almost out of time, and that he had to take his leave. 

               "Now then... I must continue my work. It was nice meeting you Young Midoriya!" He said as he took flight again. The boy just quietly gathered himself and exited the building back onto the streets. He was about to head home when he heard explosions and screaming. He ran to a nearby alleyway to see the same slime villain that had tried to kill him earlier. He looked around and noticed that all the heroes weren't doing anything. He then heard muffled shouting and saw his bully entangled in the villain. 

               'Why aren't the pros doing anything?' Izuku thought. He overheard them saying that they couldn't do anything. ' If they're not going to do anything, then I will! I will be a hero!' He thought as he was about to make his move until a very familiar "DETROIT SMASH!" was heard. The slime villain exploded into many pieces, thus freeing Bakugou from his prison. As the villain was apprehended, Izuku saw that many of the heroes who stood around were commending Bakugou for his bravery and strong quirk. Deku twitched a little unknowingly before heading back home.

                 'Izu's friend Bakugou has potential. He has a strong quirk and determination. If I train him right, he will make the perfect successor to One For All...'

                 After ten minutes of walking, Izuku made it to the entrance of his neighborhood. He couldn't wait to get home. His mother and father weren't home often and felt he needed the support after his revelation. As he approached his street, he stopped when he heard two familiar voices...

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