chapter 2 : Kim Jinu

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A Guy pushed me down to the bed , No! I already knew that he likes me but then there's a saying " You knew its coming but you can never be ready " because how can I be ready when its my student ?

Mino : //throws Jinu to the bed // Sensei, Let me fuck you

Is what he said to me , but thats for another story

My name is Kim Jinu , a psychology teacher . In the eyes of others , Im quiet and calm . Yes I am ,but there 's a reason, I hate talking to people , Im scared that my cover might be blown . I used to be a deliquent back then , I was trying to hide it but a brat name Song Mino made me reveal my true self .

Jinu : // HUH?!?// Hey listen to me brat // Grabs Mino's necktie // Just because I talked to you and being kind to you, it doesnt mean that you can play around with me, I'll punch you !
Mino :// WHAT!?!// Whoaa , sensei you are scary ! Are you sure its okay to be like that ?
Jinu :// let go Mino's necktie // Stop pushing your luck brat just because you are popular not everyone want your freaking damn attention , Oh , try making a ruckus about my attitude and I'll beat you up !!!

Thats how we met and yet , why the hell I' m in this situation???

To be continue .

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