Emitter-Type Quirks

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# 1: A pretty simple quirk that deals with wind manipulation. The user of the quirk can move the air around anyone like liquid, make it solid, or even turn it into another element if the atoms are present. The user, can also take away atmosphere or even oxygen from the air, and could sense the changes within it. Basically the user becomes one with the invisible space around him. The user, will become winded if used to much. It is named Windy Days.

# 2: A quirk that I have already used in The Divine Hero Story. It allows the user to eject their bones outside of their body, and turn it into whatever shape, such as a blade. The bone can also be fired off. It will regenerate in a day or so depending on the size, the user gets no damage inflicted upon them if they do this. But it's usually used as a last resort, seeing as the bone leaves, the body part becomes jelly like and cannot move on its own. It is called Ash and Bone.

# 3: A quirk that grants control over blood. Once out of the body, it can be used in a multitude of ways. Can be used to heal, harm, or for consumption. The blood can harden and clot at a wound either inside or outside of anyone. It can be shaped into anything and used as a weapon. and It can be consumed by another person to make them stronger depending on how much was consumed. Obvious weakness is the limited amount of blood within someone. Meaning, that they can also use others blood, but to a weaker extent. It is called Bloodform.

# 4: A quirk that allows to control fire, in any way the user sees fit. Can be used to burn, burn, and mainly burn. Cause that's what fire does. It can be fired out in any form, even lava, and can go up to 3050 degrees Fahrenheit. Which is insanely hot for anybody to handle. The user, can automatically adapt to insane temperatures that go up to 600 degrees. CANNOT handle cold temperatures, or will instantly start to cool down and become weaker. It's called Flash Fire.

# 5: The quirk, allows the user to create any weapon off of memory in an instant. The user can also create it and make it have specific things that happen when something is done or said. Such as a broadsword, becoming a lance when the user holds it to the sky. Or an arrow setting on fire when the user says fire or another element. Or even, when the user cuts somebody, it generates 10X the amount of pain originally inflicted. The types of these effects, are Active, Passive, and Autonomous, in the order listed. Will make the user feel the effect that they apply, only much duller, unless it is complex. The quirk is called, Attacking Order.

# 6: My personal favorite, and yours. Finger Guns. Allows the user to fire different elements from different fingers when they snap. The element is fired out of the pointer finger, and changes when the Pinky, Ring, or middle finger are snapped. The most powerful element fired, comes from the pinky, and the weakest is from the middle, because of how hard it is to snap. Middle can shoot off fire, then ice, and finally an explosion going down the hand. But there is a limited amount of "Bullets" that are allowed to be fired before reloading. The hand acts like a revolver, and to reload, the user has to wait a bit and snap his pointer finger. Finger Guns is by far the BEST quirk to exist.

# 7: A Fan suggested quirk, an quirk made by @MysticPikachu877. The quirk makes 50% of the users blood, replaced by electricity. The electricity can be shot at as small bolts, energy waves, lightning grenades, and more. Can also be used to create weapons such as sledgehammers, blades, and even guns. The draw back of this Quirk is that every limb holds a certain charge that depletes. Which occurs after either using the Quirk for a extended period of time. Or using the Quirk to perform attacks or to create weapons that require massive amounts of energy. The electrical charge can be regenerated, by running around, like a classic stone age style generator. Or by taking in direct electricity, the user also naturally regenerates. The quirk is called Electro Flow.

# 8: A quirk that deals with Mind control. The user, only has to look someone directly in the eyes for at least half a second. The user can then make the Mind controlled person, do whatever they like, as long as it is ethical. Something that wouldn't break their ethics or goals in life. So if the user instructs someone to commit murder, and the person does NOT want to do it. The person then snaps out and isn't ever able to be brain washed again. The person can do this as many times as they want, but if overused. Then the user's brain can explode and kill itself. Soooo, there is a limit to how much a person can do in a day. The quirk is called Mindjacker.

# 9: A quirk that gives the user the ability to bend any type of metal to their will. The user, is also able to condense and combine any metal together, to make it stronger or can make it into a weapon of some sort. For example, the person can make a condensed sword, that when another is hit. The person will take considerably more damage, due to it not having the normal properties of metals. The user can also prove to be deadly, seeing as how the human body is comprised of 4 grams of iron. The user can make the blood rise in the bloodstream and even come out of the persons body if forced to. The person will die of blood loss soon after, seeing as how blood can't travel through the body properly, ending in either suffocation or just plain old death. There are no downsides. The quirk is called Kraftweld.

# 10: A Quirk that allows a person, to change one thing into another. This is done through the laws of conservation and basic alchemy. The user is able to create gold from iron, and produce diamond from carbon in the air. The wielder of the quirk, does not seem to suffer consequences from exchanging things other humans into nothing. He also is the only person that can do this, and have it strengthened. The wielder, is the only person that has the Philosophers stone, which makes the user able to perform instant alchemy and make it extremely strong. Strong enough to re-materialize themselves in another area through this. The quirk is called Equivalent Exchange.

Updates to this will come out later, so this chapter will be constantly updated, just like the rest in this compilation of BNHA things. Peace OUT.

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