Chapter Nine - Birthday (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

After hearing out (F/n), I understood the root of her aloof behavior towards me. She didn't want my name to be dragged down with her. What I couldn't understand is why would she want to visit her father. I don't think the others heard because they were listening to Shinso speak, but all my attention was focused on her.

And today, it was just memories of her past birthdays. I didn't even know it was her birthday today. Everyone came to the consensus that (F/n) deserves a good birthday. During lunch and our free period, all the my classmates and I did was plan.

Your POV

I sat on the rooftop with the lunch Aizawa packed for me. At least eating was a little easier now but even so I could only handle two small meals a day. I heard someone open the door that led up to the rooftop. So much for being alone. I turned around and saw Bakugo walk towards me. I didn't say anything to him, he took a seat next to me and had his lunch right in front of him.

"Heard you were thinking about dropping out of U.A? Are you fucking stupid or fucking dumb?" Bakugo said. "Don't you know how lucky you are to fucking be here? And your dumbass is thinking about dropping it? Wanna know who else dropped out of a hero course? Your father. You're trying to not be like him then don't follow in his footsteps."

"Don't talk to me like you know me." I snapped at him after bringing up my father.

"I don't know, you stupid bitch! That's your problem whether you want to admit it or not... nobody knows! Stop being so fucking closed off, no one will be able to help you then! Those little shits care about a fuckwad like you, you're our classmate now, Water Girl!" His voice was harsh and angry, even if he wasn't presenting the information in the best kind of way, it was what I needed to hear.

I didn't respond to instead we ate our lunch together in silence. After a few minutes I muttered a "thanks", contrary to my words from before I didn't actually want to be alone. I needed company but didn't know how to ask for it.

"You owe me another fight, Water Girl."

"Another ass whopping, coming up." I responded. Bakugo harshly punched you arm, it hurt like a bitch. I responded with a punch in his arm just as hard as well. Which led to a fight on its own.


After school, I was packing up my things. Everyone had already left which was weird since I was usually one of the first people to leave. However, today was different since I and to stay after school with Aizawa.

Once he was finished being a teacher and doing teacher things, we started on our way to the prison. When we got there, Aizawa asked if I was sure. I was.


I sat waiting for the officers to bring my father in. Eventually, he came out, handcuffed and escorted by two guards. I sat on the other side of the glass from him and stared him down. I just sat and stared at him.

"You are the one who came to visit me, are you going to say nothing?" He asked.

I continued to glare at him.

"I'm going to ask to go back to my cell this is a waste of time." He said.

I just kept glaring, I could call his bluff. I was going to do this on my terms. Once I decided that I wanted to speak, I did. "Okay, I'll let you start. Any questions?" I asked him.

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