Chapter 1

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A/N As always, I know I shouldn't but I really wanted to do this along with Ace Attorney. This one should be more different though since I really don't want to use any of the games from Professor Layton since no matter how you look at it, these cases should be much easier aha. At max, I only want to maybe use the movie and that's it, if I do ever use it. If anything, they may only be references to the other games. Plus, doing this will let me have ago at making a FF/KH version of Professor Layton vs. Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney aha. So that should come out one time aha. Well, I've whittled on enough by now so enjoy~

It was a bright summer's day outside in the busy streets of London, the birds twittered away as the morning rush took place. However, not all was so hurried when the hour began, the little brunette girl only just rising from her long sleep. Her straight fringe messed and falling into coco coloured eyes while the 10 year old stretched.

''Marlene, you up yet?'' the deep voice of her adoptive dad called.

''Coming,'' she shouted happily before dressing in her white sleeveless turtleneck and knee length skirt and tying her hair back in a plait with a pink bow.

As soon as she was finished getting ready, Marlene skipped down the steps and into her kitchen to eat her morning pancakes as per usual with a steaming hot cup of tea with three sugars. Her father couldn't help but grin at the little lady in training as she still retrained her childish eagerness.

Barret Wallace was the mans name; rather fitting for the dark skinned muscle man over six feet tall. He wore an off white vest with a fishnet shirt underneath and green pants tucked into large brown boots. Three scars marred his cheek above his thick beard, his dark hair being arranged in cornrows. However, his most noticeable feature being his entire right forearm and hand made from purely metal due to a mining accident.

''I can see your certainly enjoying it,'' the burly man grinned.


''Good good! But I got a bit of bad news for ya'. Seems the team hit oil and need me ta' help, so I'm gonna' 'ave. to go for a bit. But I already asked the Prof. and she said she'll take you for the next week or so.''

''Okay, I still have some things there so I won't need to pack much,'' the girl mused.

''If I didn't know better I'd say she was your mother,'' Barret laughed. ''When I get back I wanna' hear all about the recent adventure you're both bound to 'ave.''

''Who knows, I might have a few puzzles to bring back!''

''I swear you're trying to kill me sometimes.''

The duo looked at one another before bursting out laughing and finishing their meal. After cleaning and putting away the plates, the both finished preparing for their respective week ahead and bid each other goodbye with a hug. When the dad finally drove away, his daughter resumed her skipping all the way to Gressenheller University.

'My name is Marlene Wallace, lady in training and number one apprentice to the one and only Professor [F/Name] [L/Name].

'I bet your wondering who the Professor is right? Well, she's a Professor of Archaeology at Gressenheller University, a world renowned puzzle solver and a true English lady. And together, we've solved cases that even Scotland Yard can't fathom.

'I've known the Professor for as long as I can remember since she's an old friend's of papa's and had helped him out of a few sticky situations. And one day, I'll be able to do the same!'

''Professor, Professor! Pro-'' Marlene began as she opened your office door.

''La~ la~ la~''

''-fessor?'' the ten year old finished as she watched you hum a familiar tune to dance gracefully to.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2014 ⏰

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