"I don't know."

"Do you not want to be with me?" I beg you say no. Please say No.

"Sage I would love to be with you. I just got sad all of the sudden." Thank fuck for that.

"Well I hate seeing you sad so I think I know a way to make you happy"

"And what would that be" Mal says with her gorgeous smile.

"Mal will you be my girlfriend?" I don't get a response. She just crashes her lips to mine and holy fuck her lips taste amazing. I'm definitely kissing her forever. I really want to keep kissing her but unfortunately she has practice so once we need air we stop kissing.

"I'll take that as a yes." I say with the goofiest smile on my face.

"Of course I will be your girlfriend Sage." She says with an equally goofy smile. "We need to head back to the hotel unfortunately."

I intertwine our hands again and we walk back into the hotel and are greeted by Ali, Ash,  Tobin, Alex, Christen, and Mom.

"Hey" Mal and I say in unison causing us to giggle a bit.

The girls greeted us then remain silent. I guess they were waiting on one of us to say something. Ali bit the bullet and decided to ask us what they were all thinking. " So how was the walk?"

"It was good." I say.

"What did you guys talk about?" Ash asks with a smirk.

I lean in to whisper to Mal "Do you want the team to know?"

"I'm okay with it. You?"

I nod then turn to the girls. "We're dating now." I say causing some of the girls to jump like little school girls.

As we are waiting in the lobby for the rest of the team to get down here some dude in the lobby is staring at me and is making me hella uncomfortable. I took Mom over to the side to talk to her about the dude. "You okay Sage?" She asked.

"Not really. That dude over there is staring at me and it's making me really uncomfortable."

Mom looks over to the man then wraps her arm around me and leads me to the group.

"I'll go see what's up you stay here with the girls."

Right after she leaves I look at Christen." Chrissy go with her please." She doesn't respond she just catches up to her and walks with her. Once they reach him they have a conversation and oddly end up laughing before they come back.

"He had a long flight and zoned out when he got into the lobby. He had no clue who we even were so I think you're safe." Mom says then hugs me and whispers so only I can hear her.

"It's okay Sage. This isn't like last time... but I'm still not letting you out of my sight."


Soon after the bus arrives and the team heads to training. The team had two trainings today so that took up most of the day and during those trainings I messed around on Logic Pro trying to create something. After they finished we headed back to the hotel and got ready for dinner and I got ready for Mal and I's date.

"Bye Mom."

"Bye Sage. Have fun and stay safe."

- - - - -

The drive back to the hotel was silent because I was pissed, but not at Mal. Once we got back to the hotel we walked straight into the team meeting room because that's where everyone would be and I need a key to the room. Everyone seemed happy until the saw the pissed off expression on my face as I walked up to Mom.

"Can I have the room key?" I whisper

She nods. "You okay?"


"Wanna talk about it?"

"Not here."

"Okay well I'll be up soon. And don't worry whatever it is that happened between you and Mal can be fixed. You two just need to talk about it with level heads.

I sigh."She didn't do anything. I just don't want to blow up on her for something she didn't do."

After Mom hands me the key I walk over to Mal and whisper to her. "Hey you didn't do anything wrong. I just don't want to blow up on you so after your meeting come up with Mom and I'll explain then okay?" She nods and I peck her lips to show I'm really nod mad at her then I leave.

"Ooh trouble in paradise." Kelley says as I'm about to leave the room.

"Suck a dick Kelley." I say then head up to the room.

- - - - -

Mal's POV

"Well that was uncalled for" Kelley says.

"No offense Kelley, but yes it was." I say causing everyone to look at me.


"This morning you basically put our relationship, even thought we weren't dating yet, on blast. Sage had a whole thing planned to ask me to be her girlfriend tonight, but she couldn't do it because she saw how I reacted after you said what you said this morning so she asked me out after breakfast. We would have told everyone when we were ready, but since your little outburst everyone knew what was going to happen on that walk. Also she isn't mad at me so no there is no trouble in paradise." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. " Even though you inadvertently helped us to start dating not many people would want to have their relationship questioned like you did this morning so yes Kelley you sorta deserved that."

"Alright everyone curfew is in half an hour so finish up here and head to bed." Carli says then leads me out of the meeting room and up to her and Sage's room. Once there she knocks on the door and a few seconds later Sage opens the door looking significantly less pissed.

"Hi." She greets both of us and Carli doesn't waste anytime getting to the point and she drags her daughter to the bed and motions for her to sit down. I just stand off to the side.

"Okay so what happened that made you so mad Sage?"

"When I was coming out of the bathroom our waiter walked by and touched me and after I told the manager about it he said he wouldn't do anything about because the waiter was his best employee."

Carli turns to me." Mal where were you during all this?"

Sage speaks up. "She was in the car. I told her to go warm it up. And I've already filed a complaint with the restaurant."

"Okay well I'm sorry that happened to you. Now both of you need to go apologize to Kelley. I know what she did was wrong but blowing up on her like that wasn't necessary. She just wanted y'all to be happy even though the way she did it wasn't the best."

We both nod and head toward Kelley and Lindsey's room. Once we get there Sage knocks on the door and a couple seconds later Lindsey opens it.

"Is Kelley here?" I ask.

"Yeah." She says and steps aside so we can walk in.

"Hey Kelley." Sage says.


"Okay I'm very sorry I snapped at you today. I wasn't mad at you. I was mad at someone else and my anger got the best of me. I really am sorry Kels." Sage says.

"It's okay. I probably shouldn't have been that extra this morning with you two so I'm sorry as well." Kelley says and they hugged.

"Alright well we will see you two tomorrow then." Sage said and led me out of the room and back towards her room where once inside Christen and Carli were cuddled up and asleep. Her and I went into the bathroom to do our nightly routines then we went to the other bed and laid down. Sage was out like a light and instinctively pulled me close to her so I laid my head on her chest and went to sleep.

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