"Who are you?" The guy questioned, narrowing his blue eyes at Isabelle and Jack. He obviously didn't trust them, not like Isabelle would blame him. He doesn't know them, just like Jack and her doesn't know him.

Blowing out a breath, Isabelle swiped a dark strand of hair off of her forehead before she pocketed her dagger. "I'm Isabelle and this is Jack," she introduced them. "Who are you?"

"I'm Sophia!" The little girl exclaimed, poking her head around the guys waist. She was small, maybe about twelve, but she sure was brave enough to talk to a stranger.

"Soph—" the guy cut himself off as he pinched his nose. "I really appreciate the help, but I didn't need it." He grabbed Sophia's hand who pulled herself out of his grip and ran towards Isabelle and Jack.

"Thank you so much, Izzy. My mommy will be so happy to hear that someone rescued me from the scary monsters. She must be so worried about me." She pouted, her green eyes shining with tears. "You need to come and meet her. She will be so pleased."

Isabelle raised her eyebrows and placed her hands on her hips. "I don't think your dad would like that very much."

"My dad is dead," Sophia said so casually without a care in the world. "Not that I care, he hurt my mommy and me." She pointed at Rick, "That's Rick, he's nice. He saved us all from the scary monsters that tried to eat us."

Jack smiled and bent down to Sophia's height. "Hi, I'm Jack." She smiled back up at him. "We can take you to your mom, I know you must miss her a lot. I miss my mom a lot. She died when she gave birth to me, but sometimes I can hear her voice."

"I like you." Sophia giggled and grabbed his hands, pulling him away from Rick and Isabelle who stood in front of eachother, sizing one another. They were trying to see if the other was a threat or not. "Come on!" Sophia exclaimed, breaking them up from their staring contest.

Isabelle huffed and puffed as she chased after Jack, knowing fully well that she was leaving behind a bag of weapons, but it's hidden so she didn't have to worry about someone finding them and taking them.

As they neared the highway, a woman's voice echoed. She sounded sad and desperate. "Where's my baby girl?!" That was when Jack and Sophia appeared in clear sight which made the woman shout in glee and run towards them, grabbing Sophia who hugged her. "Oh, my goodness!"

Isabelle pushed herself forward even though her mind screamed at her to grab Jack and go. She didn't know these people, she didn't trust them around her and Jack, especially Jack seeing as he can be so naive. But, she picked up her feet and continued walking up the small hill that led to Sophia and Rock's group.

As Isabelle looked around at the people, she could see nine other people without counting Sophia and Rick, and it made her tense up once guns and a crossbow was aimed at her and Jack once she reached them.

She grabbed Jack and pushed him behind her, a mask of hardness slipped onto her face as she kept her gaze on all the people in front of her and Jack. 

"Who are you?" A man with a big nose questioned them, pointing his gun at their heads. His body was tense as his lips pressed into a thin line and his brown eyes narrowed at them in suspicion and anger.

Isabelle rose an eyebrow at him, not an ounce of intimidation flooding her body. And when Jack stepped forward, about to say something, she roughly shoved him behind her, giving him a dirty look.

When Isabelle didn't answer his question, a man to the other side of the lady grunted and stepped forward, his crossbow aimed at her head. The man had shaggy dirty blonde hair, his blue eyes narrowed into slits.

Still refusing to reply, Isabelle let her eyes flicker around the camp and people. She pursed her lips, seeing a little boy beside a woman who had him hiding behind her, as if Jack and her were about to murder everyone here.

"Who are you?" The guy with the big nose asked again, tone demanding.

"Isabelle," Rick spoke up, stepping forward. "Her name is Isabella and this is Jack. They helped me protect Sophia." He was looking Isabelle in the eyes before he turned around and looked at his group. "If it wasn't for them, something could've happened to Sophia, even me for that matter."

"Thank you." The little boy by the woman stepped forward. He had shaggy dark brown hair and bright blue eyes that looked a lot like Rick's.

"Carl!" The woman hissed, stopping him from walking any further away from her.

"You're welcome," Isabelle spoke gruffly, sending the small boy a smile before she gestured to herself and Jack. "We did our part, now we're leaving." She grabbed Jack's arm and went to maneuver him, but he stopped her, giving her a pleading look.

"Isabelle, they're people, a group, a family. We need them," he stated lowly. "We just helped them, now let them help us."

"We don't need help," she spat. "Now, let's go before we get shot."

"No," he spoke roughly, grabbing her face gently. "We need food, rest, and we need to be around people. Being alone sucks, we need people to survive. Imagine what Sam would—"

"Don't you dare bring my brothers into this," she spat, her eyes hardening as she glared at him.

"Hey," Rick called, approaching them. "It seems like you two are in a heated discussion, and I didn't want to interrupt, but I saw how you handled yourself out there with all those walkers." We was mostly looking at Isabelle at this point. "And I know you don't know us and we don't know you, but, I feel as though it would be a good idea to have you with us. We do need extra people..."

"No," Isabelle declined right away. "I think Jack and I will be fine on our way." She grabbed Jack's arm and pushed him forward, both of them walking away from the group.

"Wait!" Sophia shouted but Isabelle ignored her, so Jack turned his head and gave the little girl a 'sorry' look.

"Come on, Jack, they will be better off without us. Whatever we touch ends up dead," Isabelle stated, frowning as she and Jack continued to walk away from Rick's group.

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