"Yukhei, please listen to me."

"No, why are you telling me this? Don't you want to be with me anymore? I can move out if you want." Yukhei clicked his tongue while looking seriously at the older.

"That's not it. Your family needs you, just go back Yukhei." Jungwoo said then held the younger's hand tight. He can feel the younger's anger already, that's why he wanted to lessen it by holding his hand.

"Jungwoo, I told you right? I will not leaving you here. Don't you get it? I chose you over them because that's what I want!"

"But that's not right! It's your family, your granny. The most precious one in your life."

Yukhei frowned. How did Jungwoo know that? He don't remember telling Jungwoo about his granny. Did he, perhaps talked to Olivia?

"How did you know about her?"

"It doesn't matter. You know that I love you right? So I'm trying to understand you."

"But I told you already that I don't want to go back there anymore!" The younger cried, then ruffled his hair harshly because of the frustration. "You also knew how much I love you too right? That's why I'm not going and I'm choosing you over them!"

"That will makes me look bad, Yukhei. It's not right to choose me, I'm just your boyfriend."

"No you're not. I think of you more than that."

Jungwoo sighs. Yukhei is not trying to understand him, but no matter what happen, his decision of letting him go will never change. Yes this is freaking hard decision for him because he's too attached to the younger now but he couldn't fight when it's about his family.

"But blood is thicker than water." He smiled bitterly again. "No matter what you'll trying to do, Hong Kong is still your home and your family is there, waiting for you to come back." Jungwoo caressed his boyfriend's hair and cupped his cheeks. "You have gone long enough, maybe it's time to make up with them. Family is still family that will love each other at the end of the day."

Yukhei took Jungwoo's hand away, he looks mad too. "I'm not going." He said before turning around and walk ahead to go home. He didn't like what the older said today. What does he want him to do? Go with Olivia and let himself to feel ignored again when he go back? No fucking way. Another thing is, he decide already.

Jungwoo sigh again and tears are starting to fall from his eyes. It's hard to control your tears from falling in front of the person you love and trying to be strong for him not to worry and you are serious. This decision is hard to be honest, he don't want to be parted with the person he loves the most, but since Jungwoo loves Yukhei so much, he'll set him free and be happy.

He hoped Yukhei will see that effort, that Yukhei will see how much he loves him, that's why he's doing this.

Jungwoo is quietly sobbing before leaving the neighborhood. He needs to go somewhere tonight.

He still crying until he gets inside the bus, luckily, there's no people much inside but he doesn't care. He's very unhappy and he wants to cry it all.


Jaehyun was quietly watching Jungwoo cry like a mess. The younger came without notice and after seeing him cry, he quickly let him come inside. He looks hurting. Jaehyun didn't know what happened to him but he clearly knows that it's because of Yukhei. Who else? Jungwoo gets cry easily, but he'll never cry like this if that thing or person is not really special to him.

"You okay?" Jaehyun asked him after giving Jungwoo a glass of water. He's still not calming down.

Jungwoo shook his head. "I don't know what will happen to me if we separate like that!" He cried and wiped his tears.

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