Losing you was...

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Losing you was silently screaming in the hospital waiting room, drowning in excruciating sorrow. It was almost as if I'd been gutted, my broken heart lying on the ground like your shattered windshield.

Losing you was blankly staring at the night sky wearing the funeral dress that I never worked up the strength to wash. I'd talk to you about each passing day - the good, the bad, and the outright terrible ones. My parents had insisted that I'd lost my mind, but I knew in my heart that you were watching over me with that same protective, strong willed personality that you had once possessed.

Losing you was the crushing reality that I'd taken our relationship for granted. Looking back on it now, curled up in the bathroom floor holding a photo of us, I realize that I should've appreciated the small things that created the angel I fell in love with. I should've appreciated your soft, kind smile that always glued the pieces of my heart back together. I should've appreciated your carefree, adventurous personality that always lead us to embark on scenic expeditions in the forest. I should've appreciated the way your curly brown hair spilled out of your favorite hat.

Losing you was not only losing a love, it was losing my best friend and a piece of my heart. I am drowning in a pit of despair, and no one can hear me sobbing at night with a hand over my mouth to muffle the cries. The one thing that keeps me going is the hope that we will reunite one day and that the cracks in my heart will mend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2019 ⏰

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