Chapter One: Just Maybe

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Tails was working at his workshop doing his usual work on his plane The Tornado he heard his phone ringing on a workbench as he went to pick it up he wiped the grease from his forehead when he fixed up the engine he picked up and answered the phone "Hello?"
A soft voice erupted from the phone "Hi Tails how are you?"
He looked at his plane "Busy but I'm done now so wanna come over? I can make lunch"
She smiled at this request "Sure I'd be more than happy to come over I'll be there in 10 minutes ok? Bye"
then she giggled and hung up. Hearing her voice always makes him smile, he went to take a shower and get changed
As he dried himself off he grabbed a fresh pair of clothing to wear and got everything ready for lunch with her at first he thought of it as a date but he shook that thought straight away as he heard a door knocking as he ran to open it to see a rabbit with brown eyes and a beautiful red dress with flowers on it "Hi Cream so wanna come in?"
She smiled and entered his home he then sat her down and gave her lunch "so how have you been?" She just shrugged "not much just been going on walks by myself that is before now"
He smiled "at least you know I can give you company right?"
She smiled as he said those words she didn't know why but whenever he spoke she couldn't help but smile as well "yeah at least I know I can have your company when I want to"
He looked at his wrist watch and wondered what the others were doing "I'm wondering what the others are doing"
Then he just sighed and turned on the t.v to the news where a report was in place
-from the t.v-
Scar, the legendary hero of Mobius has now been missing for 5 years now presumed dead he has been last sighted at least 1 year ago by one Rouge the Bat who has said to have been with him at the time and now his statue has been decorated by the flowers of the ones who miss him and wish he was here to save us now everyone has been asking the same question, Where is he now? This is Bunnie Rabbot signing off.
-back to reality-
Tails raised his eyebrows "wow it's been years since he was missing but now people think he's dead? It doesn't add up"
Cream looked at him "I know it may be tough because it is for me too"
He looked at her replying "yeah after all he was your father figure to you"
Then he turned off the t.v and sat down as his sky blue eyes glowed in the sun's rays from the window of his home then she sat down with him, she blushed at the sight of his eyes gleaming, she always loved his eyes when they glowed in the distance as Tails looked at her with his eyes intertwining with her's but they snapped back to reality just sitting next to each other
Then Cream layed her head down on his lap a little tired as you expected he was surprised, blushing madly as she slept he starting thinking 'do I really like her?... Nah I must be coming down with something' but maybe just maybe

Juvenile Love - Taiream Fanfiction (Discontinued)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant