The Girl Downstairs

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(You are wearing this outfit, but if you don't want to that's okay too. I think the song really fits Shaun)


     You were getting ready for your job as a teacher's assistant for mentally handicapped kids at an elementary school that was a few blocks down from your apartment. You walked into the elevator shoving papers and a folder into your backpack, not noticing you pushed the wrong button. As the elevator started going up you mentally cursed at yourself for pushing the wrong button.

     The elevator door opened and in walked a guy with brown fluffy hair. He kept making small glances at you and fiddling with something in his pocket. "So..." you said, "what floor?" He turned and looked at everything but you. "Umm ground floor please." By his stuttering and tone of voice you could tell there was something different about him. You pushed the button, and trying to avoid awkward silence, you decided to start a conversation.

     "Where you headed?" This time he made eye contact for a brief moment. "San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital. I am a surgical resident." You couldn't help but smile at how cute his response was and the little smile he had when he spoke. "I'm Y/N." You extend your hand for him to shake but he lightly places his hand on top of yours. "I am Shaun Murphy." His smile grew and so did yours, the elevator door opened "you are very beautiful." Shaun said it so fast it took you a few seconds to understand what he said. Before you could respond he sped walked out the door. Your face started heating up as you walked out of the elevator and headed to your car.

♡❄️♡    ♡❄️♡

     After your first encounter, you met a lot of times in the elevator, in the halls, and sometimes in public. You thought he was very nice, so you decided to invite him to dinner. When you asked him, he had such a cute nervous smile, and you could tell he was excited. You quickly ran back to your apartment room and prepared the dinner.

     When you heard the knock on your door you couldn't help but smile. "Why do you have such formal clothes on? It's only a little get together." Shaun fiddled with his hands nervously "well I just wanted to look nice.... for you." Your heart clenched in your chest "oh, well you look very handsome." You smiled warmly at Shaun and let him in.

     This was Shaun's first time in your apartment. He looked around "you have a really nice home." You put the dinner on the table "thank you, it's not much but I like it." Shaun saw the little cactus on your counter that had some Christmas lights on it. "Is this supposed to be your Christmas tree?" You felt slightly embarrassed for not having a real tree, "yeah. Oh, be careful!" Shaun pulled his hand away from the cactus startled. You sped walked over to him "are you okay? What happened" you grabbed his hand to examine it. Shaun tensed up at your closeness. "I um I" You saw the thorn on his index finger and carefully pulled it out trying not to hurt him. You rubbed his finger to make the pain go away "do you feel better?" Shaun's cheeks had a tint of pink "uhh" it didn't seem like Shaun would form any words and you remembered the dinner. "Come here." You're still holding his finger, leading him to the dinner table. You sat him down. Shaun admires the food you put you on the table.

     "This looks very nice. Thank you." You smile at Shaun again and pass the time with some small talk and try to get him to open up. You didn't press for more information on stuff he was not willing to talk about. Before you knew it, it was already midnight and time for Shaun to leave.

     You walked with Shaun to his room and stood in front of his door. "I hope you had a great time." You had your hands behind your back and squirmed a bit. "Would you like to come in?" As much as you wanted to spend the night with Shaun, you knew he had work the next morning. "I w-would love to, but I don't want to keep you up. You have work in the morning." Shaun's smile dropped, "did I do something wrong?" You shook your head "oh no no no no no you did nothing wrong. I just, it's that you're a surgeon and it's a very serious job and I want you to do your best-" Shaun's smile returned "okay thank you for being so kind to me." You tucked your hair behind your ear nervously. "Yeah anytime." You smile up at him and waved goodbye as you headed towards the elevator.

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