Putting bag down aside.Varna took her phone.Making call at home.She wanted to do this.From last day.She couldnt control herself anymore.Vivaan smiled.Looking at Pranush.He jumped on bed.Making him squeal.He kissed his chubby hands and feet.After some time both were on playing mode.Trying to understand.What his baby was telling him.Showing him teddy bear he got as gift.In his own language.Excitedly.Pushing bear to his father.Asking him to take it.Vivaan did that.

Var-"Why did you visit my house.Got my luggage from there."

He was getting ready.For volcano to burst.He gave teddy bear back to Pranush.Which didnt make little one.Happy at all.He was annoyed.Vivaan got up.Straightening his shirt.Varna was as usual.Spitting anger on him.

Var-"Im asking you something.Who told you.To do this."

V-"You are forgetting Varna.Thats my house too.By the way.Your house.Sorry.Your house where your family lives.You didnt care talk with them.For months.Thats nice."

Var-"Listen you dont get.Between me and my family.Its my problem."

V-"Thats your problem

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V-"Thats your problem.You keep everyone away.From you and your problems.Which makes overall problem complex.Someone has to solve it."

Var-"Stop speaking rubbish."

V-"Fine.Yes I went there.Spent few days with Appa and Karuna Aththai.I felt nice.So what? Aththai packed your luggage.She thought you were annoyed.Since you were not happy.With whatever she sent for you.When you came here.I felt you maybe missing them.Want your old things back.Big deal?"

Var-"I dont want anything old back.Im fine way Im.Do you hear me.Stop trying to show sympathy on me.I dont like all this."

V-"Give me list.What you like and dont.Actually wont bother to look at that.Now tell me something.Why are you refusing these clothes.because they belong to you.Varna Shetty who wore them.Owned them.Since you are very fond of your old life.Living and loving past.So you shouldnt refuse them.Simple logic."

Var-"trying to act smart.I dont want to argue with you.I wont wear them.Thats my decision."

V-"fair enough.I dont have any gain or loss here.But make sure.Dont leave my room and house.Smelly.Hope you getting me."

He left room.Making her realize what his words meant.She flared her nostrils.Next she get to hear.Pranush crying.He was annoyed.See none of then responding to him.Scared to see both of them.Talking so loudly.Varna went to him.She had enough of this.Her patience level was giving up.

Vikram was getting ready for office in his room.Shivani came to him.

S-"Vikram I dont know.Whats wrong with your son."

V-"He is your son too.What did he do now."

S-"Behaving weird from days.Doing all weird stuff.Did you know.He was in Chennai.In Shetty house.Lived there for week or more.Didnt tell us about this."

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