"Don't try and tell me you weigh too much or you can walk. I know this, I just need to hold you right now, you'll understand more soon." I sigh and nod, he walks with a purpose; locks up and places me in the passenger seat of his truck. I look in his eyes as I try and wipe the remaining tears and calm myself. "It's ok baby. You're safe now."

I watch as he gets in the truck and starts it up, looking over at me, he pulls my into the middle seat and holds me to him. I lean my head on his shoulder as he drives. "Thank you Ezekiel. I wouldn't have known what to do." A shaky breath falls from my lips as we ride down, towards the woods. After a while we pull up to a cabin in the woods. Lifting my head, I look around. It looks magnificent. It seems really cozy, and homey.

Getting out Ezekiel pulls me with him, as I drop to the ground, he towers over me as he shuts his truck door and leads me inside. I must have really lost a screw or something, while the home looks amazing, and comfortable. I am in the middle of nowhere with a practical stranger. So that doesn't look too good on my part - I wince at that thought. My track record for being alive is looking like some slim pickings at the moment.

"I bet you're wondering how I know Handsome, huh?" As he asks that he directs me to a chair, pulling off my shoes and sitting on the other side. I nod in answer. That is one of the many things I am wondering about.

"I am curious. I mean I never told anyone, not a soul." I whisper out, hoping he hears me. I bit my lip looking up at him through my eyelashes.

"I'm gonna sound a bit crazy, but you are going to have to hang with me, and hear me out." The pleading in his voice makes me agree immediately. Once again, I probably shouldn't agree so readily. So what he helped me with some things, and knows about Handsome - ok that has some leverage on me at the moment.

"Of Course." I wait for him to continue but he stands and starts to pace. Mumbling to himself as he walks. This makes me nervous. Here lately it seems like I have two emotions happy or nervous, I should see someone about that. I internally roll my eyes at myself - focus on what's in front of me.

"I am Handsome, or Handsome is me. Well technically Handsome is a part of me. You can't tell anyone this. Humans aren't supposed to know."

I look at him skeptically. "What do you mean that Handsome is a part of you? Handsome is a wolf. You are a man. If humans aren't supposed to know, then how do you know? I am confused."

He waves me off. "I'm not just a human. I'm a Lycan, or a Lycanthrope. No, I'm not a werewolf, werewolves are different than Lycans. Very different."

"What? Is the folklore not just folklore?" I ask in a sarcastic tone, I wince. "That was rude of me sorry."

"Part of it is yes. The Lycan is the epitome of a werewolf. We are faster stronger and larger. Lycan's are the royalty of werewolves, their are only a few known Lycan's left. Werewolves originated from Lycans. But the origin story is not as important right now."

I wasn't expecting that - then again I haven't been expecting most of what has happened within the past few days. "But -"

"I have the ability to change from a human into a Lycan. I change into Handsome. I am telling you this because you are my, our mate. Soul mate in other words. The easiest way to explain this is, your soul and my soul have been torn apart before birth. At the time of our births we have been destined to find one another."

What he speaks of sounds impossible. "That sounds like it would hurt... like a lot. What does this mean? Were we destined to be together?"

I received a chuckle from him. "Yes, it does seem as if it would hurt quite a bit. Yes, our soul's can't become whole, until we bond. When we bond, there is a process that we will have to go through. For us to bond, it means we will be married in my world."

"Bond? What does this mean exactly? Can you please explain more?" I asked softly as I pull my legs up into my chest like I am using them for a shield.

He stops in front of me, and sits down close to me, caressing my face he twirls some hair around his finger. "It means that we will have a private wedding of sorts. We will speak vows to one another, and I will give you a small bite. When we mate, I will give you another, as you reach your peak. It will change you in a few ways. It will allow you to go into heat, and to bear my young. You will be attached to me, which means that you will no longer age like a human."

"Wow - That's a lot to take in. Won't it hurt to be bitten - Twice? How do I know you're telling the truth? You know things that I only told Handsome. And you know of him -" Fidgeting with my hands I look up at him, maybe he can show me. He will prove if he speaks the truth, or speaks of lie's.

"Yes I can show you. But we will have to go outside my love." His hands still mine as he pulls me up, and begins to lead me through the house. "Don't be scared though. We will never harm you, we are meant to protect you." His murmur soothes me a little.

"I could never be scared of Handsome, or you. If you are one in the same, then you both are gentle and protective of me. If he is a part of you, then I shouldn't worry. He always felt more like a human, or a trained wolf." I giggle as he walks down the steps and gives me a look.

"You are not wrong. And at least you haven't called us a dog. That would be very cruel and hurtful." I states making me wince, yeah that would be very hurtful to Handsome.

I shake my head and look up, I watch as he starts removing his clothes make my blush a crimson red. I squeak out as I cover my eyes. "What are you doing Ezekiel!" Hearing his chuckle I still don't uncover my eyes. It's wrong to look.

"I don't want to ruin my clothes besides it's easier to shift this way." His tone is so even, and calm. I feel a shift in the air, a shimmer almost. The silence that surrounds me makes me nervous. I squeal at the cold nose that presses against my leg.

Looking down, Ezekiel was speaking the truth; tears gather, yet they are happy this time. "Oh Handsome, it is true." my knees hit the dirt as I hugged his neck, burrowing my face in his scruff. Pulling back I cup his cheeks, and stare into his eyes. "How is the possible? Why hadn't you just run away? It would have been safer for you!" I scold and question him all at once.

Watching in awe, I see him take a few steps back, and just like that. A shift in the air, a shimmer of matter, and he's human; and naked! "What on earth are you doing! Why didn't you walk behind a tree or something?" A deep blush sets in as he laughs a loud booming laugh at me.

"Baby, it's not like I could've told you to turn away. Besides, I don't mind you taking a peak." I can practically hear the wink and smirk in his voice. Making me blush brighter. Looking up after I insure that he is fully clothed, he grabs my hands and tugs me up and into his chest. We make our way inside him, guiding me to a tall bar stool. Making me look at him, and give him a look.

Waving one arm towards it, the other rests on my hip. "Ezekiel, no offense honey, but I'm not a freaking giant like you. I need a ladder to sit there." I can feel laughter light my eyes, his doing the same. He just picks me up and places me on the island counter instead.

"Is that better darling? Now you won't have to hurt your neck looking up at me." I scoff at him, but giggles fall from my lips moments later, ruining my facade. He starts pulling things out of the fridge, making me realize that I hadn't eaten anything since a mid morning snack. As I look around I admire the cabinetry and the sleek black countertops, the wood floor is a light grey wood.

So far everything I have seen of the cabin has been gorgeous, of course, being a girl, I think of how splashes of color or throw blankets would help the place. I stare outside thinking of everything he had said. It kinda makes sense that Handsome acted the way he did. He was always protective of me, and made sure that I ate when he did. "What did those men want Ezekiel?"

A SanctuaryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora