If you come back one day- Johny's heart

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If you come back one day
Nomatter how long it takes
I will be the one waiting for you

When a drop of tear
Falls from your eyes
I will be the one Preserving
that diamond In my heart

If ever anyone tries
To hurt you
I will be the one standing
Like a hill infront of you

If ever winter tries
To make you cold
I will be the one wrapping
You with my warmth

If ever anyone tries
To flirt with you
I will be the one showing
My Jiu Jitsu  skills to them

When you feel hungry
Tell me soon
I will be the one preparing
Some delicious dumplings for you

If you want to play
You can be my jerry
I will be the one accepting
Myself as the fool tom

You know how miserable
I am feeling now
I am the one who can't even
Wish you on your special day

Not good at expressing my self
Not used to say a lot
My love doesn't need a prove
Brcause its pure

If in the end you will come back to me
Nomatter how long it takes
I will be the one waiting for you

everyday a little bit more(Poems About YZ)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें