Chapter 3

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Its make me wanna puke no scratch that i just did on his shoes.  ohh his mad. i though to myself. That felt better. it was just a small payback. 

'You did it on purpose' Liam Stone said while eyeing me. If eyes could kill I would be date 10 time before. ' What?' I gave him my upmost innocent look. 'You aim at me' he continue. 'Why would i do that' i said. 'I just drank too much at the reception' i added.

'Don't you think you over did it with the decor' I asked him. He gave me I don't believe you look. ' I wanted to express my feelings" he answered. ' more like buried her with it' i mutter. He could still hear me.

It too much. My eyes were practically been raped by that site. too much balloons and red. I know that red meant extremely and strong passionate or happiness and prosperity for this wedding but i don't care. Heck even if this marriage ends tomorrow i will be happy. I will even send my prayers to the Lord above for making doge that bullet.

'I wanna a new room' i told the butler that escorted us here. 'You cant make it me stay here. I draw a line... This is wrong in many level.' I turn to Liam while saying that before i walked out of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2018 ⏰

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