My Revenge and My Reward

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-Friday at school-

As if this last Friday of school couldn't hurry up, I swear that the dismissal bell was just as slow. I already had my things put up, and all of that just to now wait still for the damn bell to ring. Heavenly father, please forgive my French, but can this fucking bell hurry up and ring? I already texted my housemate, Cole, letting him know that I'd be walking from school today.

I know I shouldn't be complaining about how late the last bell is due to graduation and summer, but I just wanted to hurry up, get home, and get settled so I can get back un-settled and get the one thing I've been craving for. The Supernatural expansion pack of the Sims 3.

Yes it's a game, yes it's old, and yes I am very late on getting it, but I've fallen in love with the Simmers' gameplay on YouTube.

No, I'm not kidding you, shizzing you, or joking when I say that's the only thing I'm getting. Most people want clothes, cars, and jewelry, but I just want my games. Especially when it comes to the world of the Sims. I already had the money on me that I needed, so all I needed to do was get home and get Cole to take me to Target. Once there, my forty-two dollars and fifty cents will be handed to the cashier along with the Sims 3 Supernatural expansion pack, the cashier will give me my newly purchased game with the receipt and change in a small bag, I'll find Cole and we'll be on our way. Once home, I'll hurry to my room, lock the door after my pet dog, Maha, prances her fury self of a corgi in suit and is relaxed on my bed.

Soon after graduation, I'll hopefully get into the university of my dreams so I can work with EA Games or a good gaming company so I can live my life long dream of becoming a game designer of my own games.


By the second ring I was already up and out the door. I sped walked past the gym in order to avoid my sorry excuse for a bully, Conor, because God knows that if he saw me he'd have his little fun at taunting me with his unnecessary flirting. Then when he's joined by the other six basics he's keeping his flirting a secret from, he turns and and let's them have their fun picking on me.

Bullying is a sad thing. Actually, its quite sad and weird in a weird way, because I've been hearing about them and seeing them doing some deep and degrading shiz.

For example, a long story actually; There's Conor, there's three other guys, and then there's the three girls who are well-known preps of the school. All seven of them happen to be best friends. More than friends even. And it just so happens that all seven of them can't find anything good to do with their time, except to pick on me.

Yeah I know, woe is me, right?

There's a reason why there's no fourth prep girl added to help Conor make the group look official, and it's because he's just like me.... he's gay. That's why he spends whatever time he has with me by harassing me until the others show up. However, like every other sorry, closet case gay, which isn't like me, he's hid it so that he can fit in with the mainstream and basics in school.

How do I know he's gay? That's what Kik and Snapchat are for, as well as my email even though I still have no idea how.... and why he'd go to a new stalker level to get it. But yeah, that's what those types of social media are for when you want to send nonstop nude pictures to someone you like in a stalk-ish way.

Away from the closets and "little Conor" and onto the others in the basics.

The other six of the infamous basic crew consists of three football jocks and three preps. The three football jocks who go out with preps aren't loyal, just like themselves.

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