🌙 Midnight 🌙

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12 AM is the best and worst time for things. We've all had that time of night where we just see our memories, our flaws, nostalgia and maybe depression hitting us like waves as we go through photos and texts and letters that we have collected over our entire earthly career. It's nice to know that our existence has been documented in what seems like the worst and best way possible.

1 AM is when most people start getting on edge. You start burying your head into your pillow in confusion and anger saying "why am I still up? I should've gone to bed hours ago but I'm still sitting here in my bed thinking about nothing and everything." You start to almost try to rip the memories out of your head. Try to restart your head like it's a computer.

2 AM is the time where the anxiety sets it. The "what" hour. What about the thing you told your boss you'd do? What about the homework assignment you haven't done but you told your teacher you'd do that night? Did you feed your dog? Did you turn off your stove? Did you leave the furnace burning? Did you ever call Jim back about the money you owe him?

3 AM is when the depression sets it. Also categorized as the "Why?" hour. Why didn't you finish it? Why didn't you call him? Why didn't you this, why didn't you that, why can't you do anything correctly no matter how many times people explain you how to do it?

4 AM is when the dread sets it. The "what if?" hour. What if this happens if you don't call him? What if your car gets stolen because you left it unlocked? What if you actually needed that shirt to fit in at school? What if you needed that memo at work?

5 AM is when you stop caring. The "I don't care" hour. The final hour before you have to realize you do actually care. I don't care if my car gets stolen. I don't care if I don't fit in at school. I don't care if my grade drops a shit ton from that one assignment. I don't care if I let my team down. I don't care about this, I don't care about that, I don't care about myself.

6 AM. You do care. But it's too late to do anything about it now.

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