Chapter 2

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Her hands wouldn't stop moving.

Through the fabric of her saree, through her hair, gripping the couch, and repeat.

Her eyes are tinted with the slightest bit of redness, with puffiness around them. I can tell she's been crying. She steals tiny glances at me then looks back at the ground. I check my watch and notice how time is going by slowly. My father nudges my arm making me roll my eyes at him.

He tries his best to get me to focus while they speak of the marriage. I ignore him and stand up making my mother stop speaking. I straighten my blazer and give my parents a smart look before turning my head to the girl who sits before me.

"I want to get to know her," I say extending my hand to her. She looks to her parents then back to me. She hesitantly places her hand in mine as I stand her up and lead her out of the tension filled room. She recoils from my touch the second we are out of sight from our parents.

She walks outside to the front porch of her house as I hear her let out a long sigh of air. I follow slowly behind her watching her every move. She yanks on her jewelry and pulls things out of her hair throwing them on the ground as her breathing picks up. I slowly make my way behind her as she grips the porch tightly.

"Taking your anger out on your jewels wont change anything," I whisper smiling. She turns around and glares at me before pushing me away. For a girl like her, she's got a fire in her, I like it. Its interesting.

"Shut up! You know I don't even want to be out here with you but anything was better than being fucking locked up in there with the worst parents!" She shouts stomping her foot down aggressively. I shake my head and look down at the ground letting a small chuckle rise from my throat.

"What? You think this is some sick joke?!" She says coming up to me and pushing me again. I glare down at her hand that rests on my chest.
"Take your hands off me," I warn her. She changes her expression and scoffs.

"Oh why? Do you not like your thousand dollar suit getting a poor girls hands on it?" She taunts pushing me again. She goes to grab my suit again and I grab her hands pushing her back.

"I warned you once, I won't warn you again," I say feeling anger rising in my body. She stomps back up to me and raises her right hand, but in one swift motion I have her hand behind her back and my body pressed behind hers. She lets out a whimper of pain as she twists her arm around, trying to break free.

"I told you to stop," I say closely to her ear before pushing her away from me.
"Just because you're going to be my husband does not mean I have to listen to a damn thing you say! You do not control me!" She scorns. I take a step back and just scoff at her.

"Get used to it, our parents aren't changing their minds any time soon," I respond while looking at the girl staring back at me with angry tears building up in her eyes. She truly is a work of art, but seems to be a lot of work. I like my girls easy. But this one? This one is far from easy.
"I don't care for your advice!" She claims as a couple tears start to roll down her cheek. Shame she doesn't want advice from me, I give great advice.

"Just thought it would help," I say shrugging my shoulders. I turn and look out at the landscape and notice the cherry blossom. The petals flow from the tree onto the ground, must be nice being able to flow free. I'll never be free. I turn back to her and take off my blazer, throwing it on one of the many porch chairs. Out of my pocket I pull out my pack of cigarettes and a lighter. She watches me in disgust as I light a cigarette and place it between my lips.

"You're disgusting," she scoffs rolling her eyes at me. I chuckle as I bring the lighter up to the cigarette. I lower my lighter and inhale sharply, then removing the cigarette from my lips I smile, blowing the smoke out between my teeth.
"Perhaps," I laugh walking to the edge of the porch and looking out.

"Don't you think this marriage is unfair?" She says with sadness lingering through her voice. I look over to her and she the pain in her eyes, she really had a good life until this happen... pity. Wish I had some for her, but not really.

"My parents have thrown me around like a pawn in a chess game for as long as I can remember. This is my normal, not being able to make decisions for myself," I reply staring at her blankly. She stares at me dumbfounded as I bring the cigarette back to my lips and inhale again.

"That sounds awful," she states boldly. I remove the cigarette again and shake my head, looking at the ground I reply,
"It sounds worse than it is sweetheart."
She looks at me with pity in her eyes making me feel sick to my stomach, pity is the last thing I need from my soon to be wife. I don't need it from her, I don't need it from anyone. I throw my cigarette down and stomp on it with my foot putting it out. I take a deep breath and extend my hand to her.

"Arjun Sahai," I say pulling a fake smile. She stares at me as if I had eight head for a couple minutes. Then she stands up straight and extends her hand into mine.
"Maya Khanna," she says hesitantly shaking my hand.
"So what's your deal?" I ask as she recoils from me fast.
"What do you mean?" She replies giving me a dirty look. To this I laugh at her and shake my head giving her the same type of look.

"You know exactly what I mean, but you just insist on making things difficult on yourself and everyone around you. So what? Let me guess, you had a nice family you all love each other the same old bullshit,"

"I'm not finished. You have a great group of friends who are always by your side? Amazing boyfriend you've fallen in love with and now because of me you have to leave him and you blame me? You blame me and your parents for everything that was going right in your life which is now going downhill? You blame us? Because you're just little miss perfect aren't you?" I say taking a couple steps closer to her. She looks at a loss of words because I know what kind of girl she is. I work for a multimillionaire company and she thinks I can't figure her out? She's wrong, way wrong.

"What I don't understand is why someone like you could cause someone who you barely know and who barely knows you, so much fucking heart break!" She shouts right before her knees buckle underneath her, allowing her to fall to the ground crying. I roll my eyes at her before taking another step so I'm right in front of her, extending my hand, again.

We hear clapping and sounds of happiness coming from inside making us both turn our heads for a split second. For a second I start to recoil my hand, but then I look down at Maya and keep it there as she glares at me with tears running down her cheeks.

I shake my head at her before inhaling deeply,
"Get used to it, because now you're engaged to a heartbreaker."

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