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     Scotland. In a town named Stirling. Where people drink, wear kilts, and people don't care about children who lose their parents at a young age. From Ava's experience moving to foster home to foster home, it was never easy. In the past making trouble everywhere was Ava's mansion. It only because she didn't know how to face the sadness of her parents' death and that only grow into angry over time. When she started school, on the first day she was pulling on another kid's hair and was sent to the principal's office. She hated school but she got through it and was in detention more than once and she did smoke for a time but she stopped because she hated the smell it left on her. Even if she was trouble marker she also wanted to look good, she wears makeup and her raven black hair was very curly or in a different hairstyle every day and her skin was deep chocolate. Being African American was not even easier, because there was still racist asswholes out there who bothered her every day at her school. Her elementary school and high school were shitty ones because that all the social worker could get her into and the foster home she was in at the time was right next to it.

     As much she broke the rules with causing fights and other things like drugs. Ava never really wanted to get into having sex with people. If she ever went that low, she would definitely hate herself more than she already did. She hated her life already and didn't want to live it and cut herself more than once but she never wanted to become a hoe. Her depression pulled her down even dark whole as she started to touch herself and did roughly so it would hurt her and pleasure her, she would use her toothbrush the most. Finally, she found a job at a restaurant, she was very much surprised when she got the job and that when she started cleaning up her act. This when she was sixteen and getting money to get nice things for herself, she has been clean for a year until she meets Derrick. He was seventeen and just come to the foster home, his parents kicked him out because of his drinking and drugs. When they met she was determined to fix him now that she was done with that toxic stuff. For a good month, they got to know each other and had a lot in common. Once she got a good amount of money she brought herself and him a cheap cell phones so they could stay in touch in case one day, one of them got out of the hell hole of a foster home. He was still not clean by the first year but seemed to be better, one day his depression hit him hard as it did sometimes. But today he started drinking hard and at night when no one was around he focused himself on her and rapped her. After that Derrick left and she never told anyone, she had the bruises to prove that something happened to her, but she did not say anything.

      Another month passed and being seventeen, she had become pregnant and was going to keep it until she lost her footing on the stairs that went to her bedroom at the foster home and she fell on her stomach and lose the baby. It was only a month and she cried herself to sleep that night and every night after. Now working at the restaurant was the best thing happening for her, she had good enough grades to pass by the ten percent line and she graduated. She didn't get too into any colleges and her waitress job was not paying enough anyway, so she got another job at a hotel that was a few miles from the foster home as a maid that cleans up rooms. When she became eighteen she got out of the foster home and the hotel that hired her to let her stay there. It was not one those fancy hotels but it was decent, she been there now for seven years and is in her twenties and being single lead to going on date with strangers and having one night stands. She becomes the woman she promised herself won't become. Having sex with many men and leaving them right after because she was scared to be heartbroken again. Ava promised herself she won't get into a relationship again, but then she met Louis and her life changed forever.

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