Chapter 2

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After all the cult members were dead he disappeared into the night.

>Time Skip<

Three years passed and Harry had gotten used to his new form and started to call himself Eyeless Jack or EJ for short because Harry Potter just didn't fit anymore.

He also came across other people that were like him abandoned and turned into monsters.

These people were called the Creepypastas and he found them one night wandering in the forest.

He was welcomed by Slenderman and ever since he lived happily, killing ,and eating his new favorite food, kidneys.

He enjoyed spending time with the Creepypastas because he could be him self without serious repercussions and he actually got along with some of them.

The person he liked to hang out with the most was Toby. He and Toby immediately grew close by sharing stories about their abusive relatives as a sort of therapy. They quickly became friends, and recently they became something more.

Toby was the one to ask EJ. Obviously he agreed and they were basically inseparable unless Slender sent them on different missions, which rarely happened.

During said missions he sharpened his skills with killing whether it was to eat or an assignment from Slender. He then decided that is was time to pay a visit to his dear relatives. Better now than never.

Time Skip

EJ wanted revenge for how his Aunt and Uncle treated him while he was growing up. So with the approval of Slenderman, he snuck back to 4 Privet Drive and scaled the wall of the house to his Aunt and Uncles bedroom window.

He opened it silently so as not to wake them just yet. When he snuck into their room he took off his mask, wanting them to recognize him and see what they had done ensuring their own end.

To do this he walked over to their dresser and grabbed a fragile vase ,which he remembered cleaning countless times, and shattered it on the floor. Then he hid in the shadows.

This had both targets sitting bolt upright to find out what made the noise.

"Who's there!" Vernon shouted. No answer. He called again as Petunia clung to his arm. Then out of the shadows EJ stepped out with a wicked smile on his face chuckling slightly as the pair of adults gasped when they recognized him to be Harry Potter. Then in a low mocking voice he said,

"Hello my dear Aunt and Uncle did you miss me?"He then pulled out his scalpel and grinned evilly, pulling up his mask so they could see his razor sharp teeth.

Temporarily at a loss for words they both paled when they had realized their mistake; however, EJ wasn't finished and he put one hand on his hip and said,

"Did you miss me? Because I didn't miss you!" He lunged forward but Vernon pulled a gun out from under the pillow and pointed it at EJ.

He stopped abruptly but didn't waver. His grin only grew wider at the feeble attempt.

"Stop right there you you freak!" His uncle shouted and EJ started to laugh. He gripped his stomach and laughed so hard that he had to lean on the dresser to stay standing then he stopped suddenly and in a dark tone he said

"I'm only a freak because you abandoned me in that forest a few years ago. You left me to die!" His tone escalated as he continued,

" When you abandoned me you left me for dead and I happened to stumble upon a cult who then turned me into the spawn of their demon god! Just look at me!" He paused to let them really look at him. They started to tremble when they realized that they had very little time to live. EJ then continued,

" I wasn't a freak before but I am now thanks to..." he was suddenly cut off when Vernon fired the gun and shot him through the chest.

He collapsed and Vernon turned to comfort Petunia and started to reach for the phone when they heard a chuckle coming from the body that should be dead. Then EJ stood up and they could see through a hole in his shirt the wound healing as if nothing happened. He then darted forward with inhuman speed pinning his uncle to the bed and he said as a final goodbye

" I'm sure your kidney's will taste revolting."and he stabbed him in the neck severing the jugular vein killing him instantly. He then did the same to his Aunt then as they bled out on the plush covers he sliced open there abdomens and ate his fill of their kidneys.

After he had sated his hunger he decided to take a page out of Toby's book and burn the house down.

He went to the backyard to the Dursley's shed and grabbed a canister of gasoline. He brought it inside and splashed it on as many objects as he could. Then went into the kitchen and grabbed a box of matches from the junk drawer, lit them, went outside, and watched the house go up in flames.

" Toby would be so jealous!" He grinned to himself.

Soon he heard sirens in the distance and using a portal that Slender provided, and warped back to the Slender Mansion.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2023 ⏰

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