Chapter 1

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Copyright disclaimer- All characters in this story belong to there respective owners and the eyeless jack origin belongs to the original owner as well.

Also I got my inspiration for this story from a story on called My Name Is Eyeless Jack. Anyways enjoy😊
Warning- there is gore and murder in this chapter reader beware

"YOU STUPID FREAK!" Vernon roared as he grabbed 8 year old Harry Potter by his unruly hair. He tossed him into the trunk of his car and drove off to find somewhere to dump him. He finally settled on a forest miles away from anywhere. He then got out and removed Harry from the trunk and tossed him into a tree. He then drove off without looking back.

After Harry had come to terms with his situation and pain, he slowly sat up and looked around. He had no idea where he was, so he tried to find something at least a little familiar.

He stumbled around the forest all day and it was getting dark when he saw something that looked like campfire smoke. Suddenly filled with hope he began to move towards the smoke until he saw a light in front of him.

He then started to hear voices and got more excited until he started to understand what they were saying. It sounded like chanting and not the good kind. The kind that was seen as evil mainly done by cults.

He remembered hearing about cults in his cupboard at night when he heard his Aunt and Uncle watching documentaries on them on the tele.

He suddenly felt very scared but couldn't help but creep closer.

As he creeped closer he began to hear preaching and could hear words that sounded like 'Churnobog' or 'Sacrifice'.

He was now incredibly scared and started to turn away when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see a figure in robes wearing a blank mask with eye holes. He jumped and stifled a scream.
The figure then spoke to him in a female voice.

" Fear not little one for you have been chosen to be our lord and savior Churnobog as his  son!" She giggles with glee as she firmly steered him to the campfire.

Harry struggled to get free, but her grip was like a vice and could only move forward.

As he and the masked woman moved forward he came to see a circle of people standing around a bonfire with a person who looked like a preacher standing on a stump and was yelling to the people around the fire.

The preacher suddenly turned his head to look at him and the masked woman, abruptly going silent drawing everyone else's attention.

Harry struggled more trying to get out of the woman's grip but couldn't and realized he had made the worse mistake of his life.

The preacher came off of the stump and walked purposefully towards him.

As he walked he raised his arms and yelled

" Brothers and Sisters. Years we have waited for the perfect sacrifice to revive the son of our savior Lord Churnobog!"

The congregation cheered and started to chant once again swaying around the fire as a few broke off and retrieved things and came towards Harry.

He struggled even harder but then someone roughly grabbed his chin and with what looked like a spoon used it to carve his eyes from his sockets.

Harry screamed thrashing wildly blood filling his vision. He vaguely felt two other people hold down his other limbs as they gouged out his second eye. He screamed even more trying to get free but him being small and skinny only tightened his bonds.
He suddenly felt a hot sticky substance being poured into his empty eye sockets and blacked out.

When he came to, he felt different. He felt his face to see if it was a dream, but when he touched his eyes or where his eyes used to be he felt a sticky substance slowly oozing out of his now empty sockets.

He now knew he had no eyes; however, he could see, although it was different to how he normally would see things.

He stood up and looked down to see the rest of his body. It was completely different. He was a lot taller and his body was muscular; however his skin was tinged more of a blue grey color. He then felt his face again and noticed that his teeth were all very sharp.

Coming to terms with his new body he started to notice other things such as the fact that he was standing in the center of a pentagram, and that he now had an incessant hunger for human kidneys.

He looked around to see many people in robes and blank masks bowing and worshiping him as if he was a god. He sneered at the people groveling at his feet. He then remembered what they did and he was filled  with a rage so intense only their blood would quench it.

So when the preacher came up to him and opened his mouth to speak he stabbed him through the gut and tearing him open with his claws. All the people screamed and tried to get away but with inhuman speed he cut all of them down and killed them all.

He reveled in the bloodshed and their dying screams as he felt a hand grab his ankle and he looked down at the woman who brought him here.

She smiled at him and this action sickened him to his core so he kicked her hard in the face. She screamed and came to a stop a few feet away.

He walked over to her and lifted her by her hair and looked at her directly in the eyes. She then smiled again and said in a raspy voice

" Please send us to paradise"

He looked at her in disgust and threw her to the ground then in a voice was definitely not his he said

" You don't deserve paradise. None of you do"

After all the cult members were dead he disappeared into the night.

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