Ahhhh heartbreak

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It ended.
He broke up with me.
Let me explain how it went down...
The last story I wrote? That was in the beginning of the eighth grade. We were.. stable.. ish. The weeks went by,, we broke up, got back together, but someone would always know, a witness. We broke up three days before our choir winter concert so I asked him to bring his parents so we could meet. That day they said they were going. A day later we argued and fought, naturally, and we had a field trip. He told a teacher that we had broken up as the teacher said we should get back together. Wait so.. if,, IF I'm dating someone, the closest people near me say it's a good choice ad all good things,, but when we break up they're suddenly a bad influence on me?? Sheesh. Point is we broke up and got back together and I met his parents. This was December 2017. Three months later, by the end of March, we had a two week break. We barely talked as those two months trespassed into April, we had almost been dating for two years. yUp.
April 6 2018. His friends in pe start talking to me. Saying. That he's breaking up with me. I didn't know what to say. So I said nothing. They made it sound so real. Then talked across the gym to where He was saying that they'd done it. That he's all good now as whatnot. So that's my story.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2018 ⏰

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