11 - Danger

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No One POV

"Please..don't kill us.." The vampires cried to the Hunters.

"What will we got if we don't kill you?" One of the hunters said, probably their leader.

"We'll help you get revenge on your member that dead yesterday." The vampire said as the others nodded.

"Please...don't do anything to us.." One of them spoke.

"Okay.. We'll let you go but help us to get the revenge." The leader said.

"Thank you, we'll do our best to help you." Little did they know.. There was someone who listening to the conversation without they knowing.

Your POV

I woke up from my sleep and look at Heejin, sleeping.

How did she got to be so cute at everything she's do.

I smile while touching her cheeks then I heard the window been knocked.

I look up and saw Chan outside the window.

"What!?" I asked shocked.

"Yes.. That's what I heard.. You're now in danger, same as Heejin." He said.

"But.. Hunters and Vampires aren't mean to help each other." I said.

"I know.. But we can't do anything about it. They're agreed already, now they on the move to get you." He said.

I sighed loudly then heard Heejin's voice behind.

"Why are you being so loud?" She rubbed her eyes while looking at us.

"Sorry Hee.." I said to her then she noticed Chan.

"Oh, hi Chan." She said, Chan give her a smile and turn back to me.

"Please be safe, and I will help you if you're in danger. I'll be in the groups of vampires to get more info." He puts his hand on my shoulder.

"See ya." He fly out from the window leaving us.

"So, what was that?" She asked me.

"Nothing." I smile at her.

"I said it's nothing and I need to get a shower, see you later." I kissed her forehead then fly out from her house.

I can't get her know about this.. She'll get worry sick about me and I don't want she to be like that.

Guess I'll tell her at the right time.

Heejin POV

I know that he will keep it a secret, I heard all of it about earlier. I was awake when he was opened the window and I hearing all of the conversation.

"Y/n... I will protect you just like how you protect me.." I said slowly then get ready to school.

I was walking alone to school while listening to music from my phone.

Then I heard foot's steps behind me, I turned around to see no one.


I keep on walking then heard the foot's steps again.

I fasten my pace then someone held my hand.

"Arhhh!" I screamed.

"Hee, it's just me." Y/n said while laughing a little.

"Ya! Don't scared me like that.." I said, close to crying.

"Sorry." He hugged me while patting my head.

[Completed] Vampire Love (LOONA Heejin X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now